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Discussion: miken mag 7
Has anyone had the opportunity to swing the new mag 7 outside. We have only been able to swing it outside and wow super bat with great exit speeds alreadyand 200 swings maybe.
My friend bought the MAG7 and the Easton Triple R endload. I get to hit them both today, Sunday and Monday. I know I'll get at least a 100 swings on each one.
I put 33 bp swings with the Mag7 28oz. and Easton 28.5oz. They both are equal to me. 300ft the first 30 swings ain't to bad since I'm 71. They both had great pop and they should be going over 300ft. If not tomorrow Monday. PS I hit Al Tanner 375 44core balls.
Joe Falcon
If you go on my you tube page I have a short video and description of our new Mag7. If you have any other questions feel free to call me at 561-718-7504.
Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports
Just put about 20 swings on a brand new one. It was surprisingly hot and got there much quicker than I expected. The 28 and the 27 both weigh a little heavy but the still swing fast.
Dave V did a review yesterday on Youtube....not good.
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