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Discussion: Corona Virus (COVID-19) • Part II

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Ssusa: Please do the right thing and cancel all tournaments for the next few weeks. We all need to do our part to help "flatten the curve" of this potential outbreak. Even though we might not have symptoms, we're all potential carriers in spreading this disease to others...
San Antonio Texas cancelled the Senior games We were scheduled to play softball. . The city of College Texas cancelled the SPA tournament .Scheduled for 3-26 they 3-29.
Yesterday, Nor Cal cancelled all tournaments for 30 days.
In the words of the great Douglas Adams .... DONT PANIC

Canceling is not the answer in my opinion.
They played a tourney in Nevada yesterday and everyone had a great time.
They also played a coed this weekend In Ogden, Utah and I heard nothing but positive feedback. I know we are looking forward to going to St George and Vegas. If you don’t want to play don’t sign up..
I know for me and my family we keep living..
Hope you all stay healthy and we see you in St George.
Mesquite Senior Games just made the right decision and cancelled their tournament.
I understand if you don’t give a crap about yourself, but what if you give it to a loved one? It’s just a softball tournament. Just like a rainout.
BREAKING: CDC recommends that gatherings of 50 people or more in U.S. be canceled or postponed in next 8 weeks because of coronavirus. Find AP coverage of the virus outbreak here:
I don't consider myself smarter than the pros at SSUSA headquarters. I support what they are doing with selective tournament cancellations.
Further, my risk of contracting Corona virus is about the same whether I stay home or travel to a road tournament, provided I practice hygiene and social distancing in both locales.
The game itself is not a risky event as applies to spreading of any disease. We have much greater chance of serious physical injury in senior softball, and everyone seems to be OK with accepting that chance.
Play ball.
I don't understand why some people are so intent to possibly infect themselves or others to play softball. There were over 300 reported deaths alone from the virus in Italy yesterday. THIS NO REGULAR STRAIN OF THE FLU!!!!!
"CDC recommends that gatherings of 50 people or more in US be canceled, postponed in next 8 weeks because of coronavirus."

It's always that pesky 51st person that does it, not the 50th!
Wayne : The average age of the peope who died in Italy is 81 years old!!! ... Italy is the oldest country in Europe and almost evry single person who has died is either immune compromised or in that high age bracket .... https://tinyurl.com/tzj9676

Also, headline panic : " A recent CDC projection estimated that the U.S. coronavirus epidemic could infect between 160 million and 214 million people over a period of more than a year — and kill anywhere from 200,000 to 1.7 million people in the country. A top CDC disease modeler presented the estimates to CDC officials and epidemic experts during a conference call last month, the New York Times revealed on Friday. The scenario did not factor in the efforts now underway to address the epidemic, but rather what could happen if no action was taken to slow the spread of of the disease."

read again and see what is said, IF NOTHING AS DONE, TE DEATHS COULD BE 200,000 to 1.7 million. (the headline panic number used is 1.7 million. We are also doing something, are we not?

(In the 2017-2018 time frame 61000 people died in the USA from the flu.-JFS)

During the Spanish Flu epidemic they Doctors found people recovered more rapidly when in Fresh air and in the sun. The sun encourages production ov Vitamen D which fights viruses.

Read all the info NOT just the fearmongering stuff.
jfsully, agreed. This is senior softball. I would think given all the wars, hurricanes, tornadoes, crime, earthquakes, quicksand, 'deadly mosquitos' global warming, ufo abductions, fires, famine, plagues, epidemics, the dust bowl, the Chicago Fire, atomic fallout, automobile crashes, BB-guns,and other cataclysmic world events we somehow managed to make it through we'll get through this too.
For a little levity on this situation, check this out:
Gavin5 Your assessment of not being smarter than the pro's at SSUSA seems spot on. You should have stopped there however you continued and commented on the risk factors. Staying home is really the same under all conditions? I wonder why the experts are telling us to stay home and use proper hygiene as the best way to stop this pandemic? They should have told us that going to play senior softball is also OK just use proper hygiene....and everyone does --we all know that to be true.
Posted this earlier but didn't get a response, so reposting here... The SSUSA notice states a team will receive entry fee credit for a future tournaments. Is it safe to assume that credit will be for any future SSUSA tournament? For example, if we entered the Cow Town Classic will the credit apply to another 2020 Midwest Series tournament or any SSUSA tournament?
This is from the City of St. George Utah.... "The CDC issued new recommendations late Sunday, saying that gatherings of 50 or more people should not take place in the U.S. for the next eight weeks. The recommendation does not apply to businesses or schools."

"Last week, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert announced mass gatherings will be limited to 100 people for the next two weeks beginning on Monday, March 16.

“And that is 100 healthy individuals,” he added. “If people are not healthy, they should not opt in to these gatherings. So if you feel sick, don’t show up.”

Gov. Herbert also urged "immunocompromised" people and those over the age of 60 to avoid gatherings of more than 20 people, if possible.

Now looking at the teams registered to play, this SSUSA tournament will draw well over 500 players and even more with family/friends.

Let's not be part of the problem.... The services we will potentially need during tournament play (food, water, additional sanitizer, hotels, restaurants, etc...) will be taxed or not available.

Do we want to part of the problem or solution.... There are only a few days left for folks to get refunds on hotel cancellations. I'm hoping SSUSA Staff is not just thinking about the loss in revenue....
Dbax, why would you say to that poster that you can understand if he doesnt give a crap about bimself? That’s not a very nice thing to say. Just because he wants to play ball doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about himself and his health.
A better way to put it would be that by playing you take a risk of contacting the virus from others in the complex and potentially spread it to others. Most people would understand that. But to say he doesn’t crap about his health is not nice to say.
I wish everyone would stop listening to the media hype about this issue. If you're smart and follow the simple precautions outlined by the CDC, we're all going to be OK. I applaud SSUSA for keeping a level head on this issue. PLAY BALL!!!
I just got an email from the local association saying SSUSA has cancelled all tournaments for the next 60 days including the spring Worlds and Southwest Championships.
I believe that the Governor IOC Virginia just took action that will end any tournaments in Virginia for the foreseeable time...and I anticipate that the rest of the Governors will soon be following CDC guidance and cancel anything involving more than 50 people. Might be a short softball season.
as much as I want to play softball, I don't think it is a good idea for people of many different states to meet together and then go back home to their respective states...the idea is to try and contain the spread and by traveling 6 states away and stopping along the way, there is definitely a threat to contact at least 1 person who is contagious....there is a statistic that says 1 person affects 2.3 people...multiply that by the number of guys we have going to a tourney and traveling in between, and you can see how things can get worse...it has been a long winter as always and we all want to get out but a few months more is probably needed to get rid of this...just my opinion, thanks
It appears all tournaments for the next 60 days have been canceled. I appreciate SSUSA doing the right thing by doing what it could to protect the players and families of this great sport that we all love. No one should have to choose between their deep passion and family safety. Please see this link (https://seniorsoftball.com/?news&story=1589). Stay safe everyone.
My question is this......The Spring National is the ONLY qualifier in the state of Florida and the next closest is a 10 hour drive away. We want to qualify!!
Will they be adding another Florida qualifier? If not do we get a pass and automatically qualify because we registered?
I agree with bkb555 when he says they are trying to contain the spread. This is really just a precautionary measure since it’s believed to be a contagious virus. I’m not certain I necessarily agree with those who say that the coronavirus is worse than the regular flu. Not enough is known about the covid-19 to make that determination. My guess is they say this because there’s no vaccine for it as of yet.
While I agree with Mont25, bkb555 and all others who have been on both sides of this discussion, and I support and understand the SSUSA decision to cancel all tournaments for the next 60 days, that does not mean I have to like it!!!!

Stay safe and healthy everyone and we will see everyone on the field in a couple months!
I just want to know if the trips to Europe are still on in April or have they been cancelled also since there is a travel ban and corona virus in Belgium and Brussels?
^^^^ international trip is postponed to October.
One thing is for sure, with basically nowhere to go, the grounds of my estate are already ahead of last year in seasonal preparation! I've got lots of yard work already done. Plus, with the Lenten season in full swing and the Friday evening fish fry's at the Knights of Columbus cancelled the annual spring diet is working good too! Always a positive somewhere guys, eh?
stick - you are CORRECT! My BIL is a director of a major pharmaceutical that is working around the clock to get it made but even he said doubt it will be done by this year! Just doesn't happen that way sadly (i.e. instant cure, additional masks/respirators, etc.) so I agree with all posted who said we need to TRY and be diligent to control the spread, hospitals in largely populated area's will be affected the most and most if not all medical professional's will get sick and need time to recover.

I agree with OZ40, the ONLY thing we can control is our attitude so trying to stay positive and be part of the solution as opposed to the problem is not a bad thing (IMHO). I applaud SSUSA for doing the right thing as much as I would LOVE to play ball. I will be hitting off the tee in my garage until it is safe to go out (tee's, nets and balls are available for home delivery! lol)

Stay safe everyone and hope to see you out there in a few months! :-)
I had several KEY players that were going to be playing at about 50% in SW in St George, NOW they get a chance to REALLY heal up for when we take the field again! Glad SSUSA made the right call to cancel for 60 days...so ALL team's players can heal up and be ready to go when this crisis is over! We all know at our ages it takes longer, but it will be worth the wait for sure! See you boys on the fields!

Unforgotten Warriors 55's
Thank You SSUSA this is indeed the right call and decision in my opinion.

From a health standpoint, we are all seniors. Some people are carrying the virus with no signs that they are. Seniors hang around with other seniors (not just on the field but at home and off the field). Don't think you are healthy and invincible. We are all humans, and potentially fragile.

Seniors are in a high risk category for this thing called "Death" as it is. Death is a serious issue.

Being in a dugout or at the hotel close to other seniors who may be carrying the virus and not showing signs is like playing Russian Roulette. Don't take the chance

Sure everybody wants to play ball (and also do a lot of other things that we cannot do like here in Ohio, going out to eat or to have a beverage with your buddies) that's all closed. Not to mention going to pro and college and high school events. My daughter supposed to graduate college next month. She might not because the on-line classes she has to do are OK but she isn't getting hands on training in a hospital this semester.

From a marketing standpoint. If we as senior ball players want to set examples for everybody else, lets not be the ding dongs and only folks out playing in sporting events with groups of people from multiple areas. The entire nation is shut down with sports. Its not sending the right message, and in-fact, probably would look "reckless"s to those who do not understand the game we love and create a bad image.

Lets all hunker down and stay safe. I work for a company that employs about 1,100 people and am involved with multiple safety protocol meetings that seem to be changing about every two hours.

Sure people had fun playing ball in tourneys last weekend. Folks this isn't about Fun. Its about saving your neighbor and fellow humans when it can be avoided to some extent.

Infectious disease specialists have stated that Covid-19 is roughly 10 times as potent as the flu.
Because it has mutated, we currently have no defense for it... can only treat symptoms. It began as an animal to human virus. It mutated to a human to human virus. Most of the previous viruses didnt evolve to human to human. Thus, comparing it to previous pandemic viruses would be irresposible.
The NBA had to protect its assets from themselves, just as SSUSA has done. Since the NBA announcement was made, more players have come forward (K Durant). Their lung capacity is much superior to ours, as a group, And they're 35 years younger. Yet 4-5 players have been infected
Draw your own conclusions but I vigorously support SSUAS's old decision.
Bob Woodroof
With casinos shutting down, maybe they could get permission to do what Australia has done. Some casinos have turned off every other slot machine. Required distance is now met.
Interesting tweet about what is happening : https://twitter.com/USADytyna/status/1240398300139991040?s=20
THANK! You SSUSA for Postponement of events until all of this has been taken care of. This is a great explanation of the Covid 19. Stay safe everyone and protect your family.

Feeling confused as to why Coronavirus is a bigger deal than Seasonal flu? Here it is in a nutshell. I hope this helps. Feel free to share this with others who don’t realize. It has to do with RNA sequencing... I.e. genetics.

Seasonal flu is an “all human virus”. The DNA/RNA chains that make up the virus are recognized by the human immune system. This means that your body has some immunity to it before it comes around each year... you get immunity two ways... through exposure to a virus, or by getting a flu shot.

Novel viruses come from animals.... the WHO tracks novel viruses in animals, (sometimes for years watching for mutations). Usually, these viruses only transfer from animal to animal (pigs in the case of H1N1) (birds in the case of the Spanish flu). But once, one of these animal viruses mutates, and starts to transfer from animals to humans... then it’s a problem, Why? Because we have no natural or acquired immunity.. the RNA sequencing of the genes inside the virus isn’t human, and the human immune system doesn’t recognize it so, we can’t fight it off.

Now.... sometimes, the mutation only allows transfer from animal to human, for years it’s the only transmission is from an infected animal to a human before it finally mutates so that it can now transfer human to human... once that happens..we have a new contagion phase. And depending on the fashion of this new mutation, that's what decides how contagious, or how deadly it’s gonna be...

H1N1 was deadly....but it did not mutate in a way that was as deadly as the Spanish flu. Its RNA was slower to mutate and it attacked its host differently, too.

Fast forward.

Now, here comes this Coronavirus... it existed in animals only, for nobody knows how long...

but one day, at an animal market, in Wuhan China, in December 2019, it mutated and made the jump from animal to people. At first, only animals could give it to a person... But here is the scary part.... in just TWO WEEKS it mutated again and gained the ability to jump from human to human. Scientists call this quick ability, “slippery”

This Coronavirus, not being in any form a “human” virus (whereas we would all have some natural or acquired immunity). Took off like a rocket. And this was because Humans have no known immunity...doctors have no known medicines for it.

And it just so happens that this particular mutated animal virus, changed itself in such a way the way that it causes great damage to human lungs...

That’s why Coronavirus is different from seasonal flu, or H1N1 or any other type of influenza.... this one is slippery AF. And it’s a lung eater...And, it’s already mutated AGAIN, so that we now have two strains to deal with, strain s, and strain L....which makes it twice as hard to develop a vaccine.

We really have no tools in our shed, with this. History has shown that fast and immediate closings of public places have helped in the past pandemics. Philadelphia and Baltimore were reluctant to close events in 1918 and they were the hardest hit in the US during the Spanish Flu.

Factoid: Henry VIII stayed in his room and allowed no one near him, till the Black Plague passed...(honestly...I understand him so much better now). Just like us, he had no tools in his shed, except social isolation...

And let me end by saying....right now it’s hitting older folks harder... but this genome is so slippery...if it mutates again (and it will). Who is to say, what it will do next.

Be smart folks... acting like you’re unafraid is so not ok right now. #flattenthecurve on Twitter.

Stay home folks... and share
YouTube - Journalist goes undercover at "wet markets", where the Coronavirus started | 60 Minutes Australia
Jose "Salsakid"
As I set here at house calling my parents from School checking on the students who have real issues in life it makes me understand that Senior softball is thinking what is best for us by stopping tournaments for at least the next two months. The last week we were in school I was involved with a family whose 6th grade student had Brain cancer surgery and found out that they could not take all of it out and rest is cancer. Makes not playing a lot easier for me to accept. I am so thankful and blessed by so many of you players I have met in the past and look forward to getting to play much later this year as I will have Knee replacement April 30th God willing. I really look forward to rehab and running better again, Doc said at least 4 months so that puts me to Sept or so. I will keep you up to date as I recover. Thanks to so many of you who have been a gift to me in the past. I Look forward to finding a new team to begin playing again and am hopeful someone will want a 66 year old with 3 world rings etc. I am blessed to have played with three talented teams and look forward to seeing you all on the field as soon as possible. I plan to work as Counselor for at least one more year in Mesa AZ. Stay well my friends I look forward to when we can give HUGS again. Gary Ingle
In the San Antonio & Austin areas, haven't heard of any senior softball player being diagnosed with corona virus. The Governor has locked down the state. Probably not a lot of testing going on, there are mobile site that have been setup to test. I have done some research, the virus mutated & now can be transfer from animals to humans. Looking forward to playing again, when it is safe to do so.
Capt Kirk
Capt Kirk, that is the origins of the virus and is nothing new. The virus originated in China after it was passed from an animal to a human, though they had to ingest the animal.
Check your facts, coronavirus can be transmitted from animals to humans without ingesting the animal. The coronavirus has mutated.
Capt Kirk, please recheck your facts and don't spread false information about such a serious subject. I work for a health department and I will tell you that Wood_1966 is exactly right in his above comment. The virus that is currently going around is not transmitted by animals. It is human to human. The false rumor that it can be transmitted by animals is unfortunately causing animal shelters to be overloaded by people panicking and trying to get rid of their pets.
COVID-19 has a stable genome, which means it is very slow to mutate and that once a vaccine is developed it will be effective for much longer. So, when you hear rumors about it mutating and is now airborne or can pass between people and their pets, ignore this until you hear it from a reputable source, and I would limit this to two; the CDC or WHO.
interesting viewpoints:


It really is just common sense, which isn't so common anymore. It is the amount of touches in a day. So 1 person shows up at a tournament and touches the bathroom handle. The virus lives on objects for hours if not days. Now 100 people follow throughout the day. There is now 100 infected people. They now walk around the complex touching things. Benches, railings, snack bar countertop etc. Now those 100 carried it on to 1000 plus. By the end of the day 1 person could have infected every person in the complex directly and indirectly. Now those 1000 go home not knowing and infect 10 people each, and on and on. That is why this has to be stopped.1 person can infect 10,000 people indirectly in 1 day.
Was doing some research the other day because I had lots of time on my hands and I found out some interesting things about the Covid-19 virus. The CDC and now states are reporting the amount of cases by those who have tested positive and if you have taken a test they consider you positive until your test comes back negative. I find this interesting in that the states WILL now be reporting false inflated numbers of cases as the CDC was doing this already. Second point is that 80% of Covid-19 cases are being treated with little to no medical treatment necessary. Things that make you go 🤔
TAT22, while true what you are saying that some of those numbers will be inflated. But at 1st the only people getting tested had severe like flu symptoms and a fever due to the limited number of test kits that were available. As we speak more test kits are becoming available and drive thru test sites are popping up in various cities across the country. Now you can get tested if you have a fever, severe flu like symptoms, been in contact with someone that has Covid 19. The CDC is trying to track the hotspots across the country. What we will never know is how many people actually had Covid 19 the last few weeks and recovered. As more tests are administered and more people are tested, it seems to reason that the numbers of infections will only go higher.

How many had/have mild flu like symptoms but dont go to the hospital or their doctor to gst tested but instead ride it out like a regular flu.

I think if every single person was tested, the number of infections would be staggering. This whole shut down is to flatten the curve and not overwhelm the medical facilities. I have a feeling the numbers the next week are going to continue to climb in astounding numbers.

Seems the people who called for 2.2 million deaths in the USA and 500,000 in the UK have lowered their estimates in the UK by a factor of 25. !!!

That would mean istead of 2.2 million in the USA, it might be 80,000, essentially a bad flu season. The new report states this will peak in 2-3 weeks not 18 months. It also said that of the 20,000 projected deaths in the UK, over 1/2 of those it will kill would have died by the end of the year anyway because they were so old and sick.

Dr. Birx referred to models created by British experts indicating that up to 500,000 Brits could die from the virus. Now they have readjusted their number of dead to 20,000. That is a 25-fold drop. In those models, they estimated up to 2.2 million deaths in America, with over 60 million infected (20%). Dr. Birx indicated that the data (now substantial since 550,000 tests have been done) do not justify these fearsome numbers. She further indicated that there are no data to support frightening claims by Mayor Bill de Blasio that upto 50% of New Yorkers would be infected.


Well...Mission accomplished. What's our next hurdle?


Are the results going to dictate when we can get back to life? What are the parameters? What does isolation mean for the ones that test positive? Reopen Manzanar?

Why are the shutdown rules the same for Lone Pine and San Francisco, Detroit and the UP?

After TESTING! TESTING! What does the nanny state have in mind?

I'm in my 70's, just as soon not spend what time I have left huddling on the couch.
Oklahoma Governor says sports venues can open up May 1st. Maybe that tourney in the middle of the month in Tulsa will be a go.

Oklahoma Gov. Stitt three-phase plan to reopen state | Coronavirus updates | joplinglobe.com
Not so sure on the Tulsa situation. This is from the same article TXNIGHTTRAIN listed. I assume we would be "organized sports activities"??


Second phase

If hospital and incident rates “remain manageable” for 14 more days following the implementation of Phase 1, Stitt plans to move to Phase 2.

Phase 2 allows nonessential travel to resume, along with organized sports activities. Funerals and weddings can be held with more than 10 people. Children and nursery areas in places of worship can reopen. Bars can open as long as there is diminished standing room occupancy.
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