For a moment, assume the majority of the tournament season goes by-by. Question: How will this effect next season as far as players moving down or up in class? Will it have any effect at all? If someone sits out a whole season can they make they make a directional change in class next year, how about entire teams? What if some states 'open up' sooner than others impacting teams or players from various areas? Just wondering....
Just my opinion, but do feel it's best to wait until something (or nothing) happens before playing the "what if" game. There are just too many unknowns as we sit here today.
Understood Tim, but we all know what happened when China decided to 'wait until something (or nothing) happens'. I was just putting it out there for the powers that be to consider the possible scenarios because more likely than not some classification issues will arise as a result of this. I could see some states 'opening before others' possibly playing a watered down big tournament, winning, and having to move up as a result of it. Major + players sitting out a season and wanting to drop down a level, etc. I may be totally off base here but just putting out some food for thought.
I can't answer for the moving down part of your question, but no sanction is ever going to stop a player or a team from moving up in class. I would imagine if a team is looking to move down, regardless of current events, they will have to show a track record of mediocrity or worse in the higher division before successfully petitioning to be moved down.
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.
A-RO, got it, my point there was: If a traditionally middle-of-the-pack team enters a big tournament but the competition, due to the Chinese virus, is severely watered down, if that team wins the tourney will they still be forced to move up?