I just heard through the grapevine that SSUSA was going to announce their decision on the upcoming Reno Tournament on May 19.
Is this decision going to be a go or no go decision.
Being that the 60's division still have players who work and need to take time off, just like most employers they want advanced notice.
This ping pong effect puts a strain on us 60"s players requesting time off and the have the possibility of having the tournament cancelled and vacation time wasted.
Please directors, I know what some of what you are going through, but please realize what we are facing also.
Problem is that SSUSA cannot make the call until the state decides what it is going to do. I heard on the news this morning that the Nevada Governor is going to talk today or tomorrow about entering Phase II, which could happen as soon as Memorial Day weekend. Also, a lot of hotels/Casinos are planning for opening Memorial Day weekend or the following weekend. All good news! I would count on planning at this point in time, the chances of Reno happening are probably better than the chances of any of the June California events happening!
NSSA already has approval to host a 65-75 tournament in Irvine, California on June 9-10. According to his email
Beware, as all California city parks are closed, this tournament was a tentative tournament awaiting the states and city's decision if they open any parks in June. All California rec parks are still close until the governor and mayor open their respective parks. We were going to get into this tournament until I was told just wait and see what the governor was going to do.
Hey Everyone,
If we all listen to Newsom, then you can just kiss softball goodbye until August at the earliest. Honestly gentlemen and ladies, we are being used as pawns(?) in a political scheme. If you cannot see that, then you should stay home and relax. There could be a bargaining situation here between Newsom and President Trump with this current 3 trillion package. Maybe President Trump can offer to take care of half of the Governor's poorly managed debt in exchange for opening up completely? Just a thought.
In my area of Southern California, we are using the parks to play pick up games and BP every day. I did tell any players with other medical issues to stay home for now, but to go out and get some fresh air away from the fields. Soccer games are being played as well. Parks with barriers have been ignored. There are several protests here, which if this lockdown continues, riots are in the forecast in the future.
Right now, there are more death cases for people staying inside than outside. In addition, many that have passed, had Vitamin D deficiency. Best natural way to get that is go out in this warm heat, and/or just take a pill.
What kind of rules do we have here? You can play catch with a small football, but not a large one. Hilarious! Or, the beaches are open, but you can only go on the wet sand, not the dry sand. I assume that is because our governor does not want anyone suntanning. I may be mistaken, but I think you could suntan on wet sand? Ludicrous! My personal experience with the post office. They were instructed not to leave large packages at my home, for fear of the virus. I got in my car and tracked down the post lady one day, and asked her where my package was. She replied in her truck. My question to her, how was not delivering my large package a problem or rule, but you delivered all my other mail and advertising different? She understood, and now I get all my packages. Last but not least, I was at the park having lunch, the park had one fraction of a kids play area open. You either close it or open it, no partial garbage. Oh yeah, last but not least. I only heard the end of this, so not sure how accurate this was, but some hotel owner with people inside told everyone that they could utilize the swimming pool, since it was so hot that day...........one person at a time! Are you kidding me? Maybe this one was a joke?
Anyway, just my humble comments and opinions. I do not mean to offend anyone, but we all need to take our lives back. If we do nothing, then we can start playing virtual softball. LOL!
Have a nice week everyone!
Andy Smith
Governor Nuisance is mild compared to the Mayor of LA. He said something to the effect that he no plans to open up until the virus is gone or a vaccine is developed. There is no H1N1 vaccine, there is no flu vaccine, there is no AIDS vaccine, there is no common cold vaccine, what's he saying?
OZ--just to be clear, there is an H1N1 vaccine--both nasal and injection and available since 2009. There are new versions of flu vaccines every year. Don't you get one in the fall? But you are right, there is no common cold vaccine.
I thought H1N1 (swine flu) was discontinued because of abnormally high rates of Guillain-Barre syndrome associated with it. That one is still out there worldwide yet we continue to play and recreate as normal. I believe the 1968 pandemic (Hong Kong flu) didn't curtail Woodstock at all. The flu shots we get (I got one this year) does not cover every strain, it's a gamble on what will be the most likely strain to appear. If we're going to close the country every time a virus morphs we'll never open up. A friend of mine who won't retire still drives a beer truck. His route is mainly party stores in the worst areas of Detroit which has been hit hard. This week his employer just started giving the drivers masks yet he's not missed a day and is fine. But I'm sure people on both sides have such anecdotal evidence. So tight there that tells me that as far as viruses go, we should have reopened the country long ago.
Does SSUSA really think that they are going to get enough 60’s teams with a mid week tournament to justify even having a tournament. Why not move us to the following weekend and combine us with the 55’s. 60’s major + with 55 majors, 60’s majors with 50 AAA. Please don’t make us waist our vacation time in brackets with 3 or 4 teams. People will understand the mixed brackets under the circumstances more than waisting 4 days vacation on a 3 tiny bracket that could be done in 1 or 2 days maximum.
Duke-check this out. As of today our state is in Phase 1.5. This means I cannot play a league softball game with 20 guys spread out over a diamond, nor could I go into a bowling alley and bowl 3 games but I CAN go to a gym with 100 sweaty people leaving their sweat all over the gym equipment.
Makes no sense to me at all. If we are lucky, our senior softball league MAY start up the week of June 15. My county has approx 140,000 people, and 10 days ago we had 138 total cases (not all are active, some recoveries) with 5 deaths since this lockdown started about March 15th. That is 0.00013 of the total county population. I guess I just don't understand it.
See 'Duke' above.....sums it up succinctly and echoes my sentiments exactly
Just out of curiosity, when was the date of the last official SSUSA sanctioned tournament played? Any guesses?
OZ - They played the TOC in the beginning of Feb this past year (Feb 5 - 9) so it's been a little over 3 months though not sure about smaller tourneys that play with SSUSA rules.
Thanks mck, I was wondering about that. The virus reportedly was already here as early as November... Anyone know of someone playing in that Feb. TOC tourney that took ill afterwards, I haven't.
OZ - A couple of guys I know said they were actually, they are all fine now, nothing too crazy.
And I went to a softball camp in FLA in middle of March, was there with over 100 people of all ages including folks from Canada and a small group from France. I self quarantined when I got back and didn't feel sick at all. Wife and I are thinking of getting the antibody test done, who knows.
Hope we get out there soon (going hitting now).
Stay safe everyone!
I just heard the Reno tourney has been cancelled.
mck, good luck with that. There is a school of thought that believes that the virus is actually an exosome, not a virus. I think more people have contacted this and got rid of it then anyone realizes, which is pretty much what happens with other bugs going around. I think it was late February when our 55+ volleyball league shut down, no one was ill but it was shut down. One player on our team returned from vacation in early February from Thailand with no illness....
On Website:
June 2 - June 7, 2020 Qualifier TOC ROCK 'N RENO CHALLENGE CUP (Cancelled) Reno,NV
Reno, NV
June 2 - June 7, 2020
Send payments to:
SSWC - Rock 'n Reno Challenge Cup (cancelled)
9823 Old Winery Place, Suite 12
Sacramento, CA 95827
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