Checking Status on this event this year? I know its ISA but I believe SSUSA assists?
Looks like if this is a "Go" that there are two sites this year, Columbus and Shelbyville.
Probably too early to tell, what divisions are playing where? We want to start shopping for motels ASAP, would prefer to not stay 25 miles away from where we are playing.
We play 55AAA, I also "assume" teams would play in either Columbus or Shelbyville, and not be shuttling back and forth between complexes/or days of the weekend?
Looking forward to something since our entire tourney schedules for April/May/June has been wiped out by the virus.
The late Jerry Jackson's wife, Amy, is the tournament director for this. I would suggest contacting her with your questions. I don't recall seeing her on this message board in the past. Her contact info is: Amy Jackson,
Hope to see you there. We are also 55AAA.
Jim Golianis, Team Illinois
ISA hosts a great tournament there. We had a torrential downpour one year there leaving various parts of the infield under standing water. Honest to God we were resuming play in 45 minutes on dry fields, unbelievably well draining fields and a very nice complex and great grounds and crew. As an added bonus we stayed at a local hotel that featured an all-you-can-eat prime rib buffet on Saturday night! :-)
If interested. Tourney is limited to 62 Teams.
I would think that it is safe to say that it will depend on the number of entries in age divisions how field assignments will be done. The ISA director told me that most teams stay in Edinburgh which is north of Columbus. The parks are about 40 minutes apart, and most of the drive is I-65. Columbus is a sixplex, and Shelbyville is a fourplex. Let me know if you have local questions. It is one of the best senior softball events in the midwest.
Thank You to All.
I did not know about Jerry Jacksons passing. I had met him several times over the years.
Nancy, thank you, the 40 minute one way drive is indeed why I am inquiring.
If we pick the wrong town to get motel rooms we have 80 minutes round trip drives to the fields, and in the past we have been to tourneys where, especially on Saturdays, you could play at 8am/ 2pm /7pm as an example.
I will contact Amy Jackson as we move closer to tourney time. Hopefully the tourney season cancellations are behind us now ????
We travel all around the USA for tourneys each year, for some reason the motel room rates in Edinburgh (in general) are higher than everywhere we go including Florida/Vegas/Myrtle Beach or other.
17Black, Shelbyville is a big improvement over Dunn. Dave has scheduled it the last few years, but as you know it comes down to numbers in each division as to where divisions best fit. I know when I ran a team that in a situation like this, I would make two reservations. I would cancel the other one when I found out where we were actually playing. I hope that everything goes alright for you. Stay safe and catch up with you soon.
Would be nice to have all Division "CHAMPIONSHIP SUNDAY" games at one Park.
Preferably Columbus. Six fields
titanhd ... That's mathematically "do-able" if the teams load is the same (50 teams, but not 62, which is the "new" theoretical capacity) as 2019, but here's the schedule implication reality ... Games would still play through at least 8:00 PM on Friday and Saturday evenings ... On Sunday, if everything went to the six field Lincoln Park complex, there would be six (6) games at 5:00 PM (three Championships and three "If" games) and another three "If" games at 6:30 PM ... That presumes, of course, there's no schedule slippage on Championship Sunday, which would be a welcome rarity! ... I'm certainly open to whatever Amy and Nancy want to do ...
Dave and titanhd, happy Father's Day. Dave, you are the best at scheduling that I have ever met. I wish that was a skillset that I possessed. I know that not having to schedule a day for different divisions at Dunn has got to be a welcome relief. I only see one glitch, titanhd, if I am in a division that has played two days at Shelbyville and am staying at a motel there, I am probably not going to be too happy having to get up early on Sunday to drive 40 minutes to play in Columbus, especially if I am from a team that lives north.
Nancy, Thank You YES that is my point, don't want to find out we play in Shelbyville 2 days and have to go to Columbus the last day or visa versa.
5pm and 6:30 championship games is also going to be a struggle for the teams that need to get back to other states and work Monday Morning. Id hate to get done at 8pm, drive six hours home, and be back at work at 6AM, which is another reason to just play at one site or the other.
any Rain Delay can get the entire tourney backed up too.
With Social Distance Guidelines, I would hope an entire division can just play at one site or the other, not both.
We are just happy to play at this point, since the first three months of our season wiped off the books.
17Black ... I've had the honor of writing this tournament schedule on a complimentary professional courtesy basis for Jerry (and now Amy) Jackson since 2014 ... I've never sent him a bill for it because he was an early-on mentor for me in a number of areas ... "Doing the right thing" was always at the top of Jerry's list and fairness in scheduling was a part of that ... If you have a preference for which of the two facilities may have a material impact on your team, please say so on your entry form and we'll do our best, no guarantees, to accommodate your preference ... Obviously, it's not going to work for everyone if all 60 teams ask for the same location! ... My initial thought is that divisions will catch a specific site and stay there all three days ... I don't envision bouncing back and forth between them ... The hotel and travel logistics get too complicated if the spread between them is 40± miles ... Thanks! ...
A gentleman from ISA just emailed me and said he doesn't think any games are going to be in Shelbyville, as the complex appears to be "Double Booked" at this time ????
Dave I believe your last post didn't completely print?
Thanks 17B ... I'm very likely "on the outside looking in", too ... Those are details I wouldn't be involved in ... If it's just one facility, then it's a different animal on limiting entries or going back to Dunn if Shelbyville is unavailable ... The maximum teams load is about six teams per available field and the games burden is about 3.2± games per team entered (50 teams = 160± games) ... Thanks for the "head's up! ...
This is not intended to be a shot at 17Black in any way, so please don't take it as such.
My observation as a director and scheduler is that everyone is itching to play ball whenever and wherever a field is open. The result is bigger tournamnents. Scheduling becomes more difficult because there are only so many game slots available on a given weekend. When entering a tournament, all teams should expect to play whenever called-
That (unfortunately) could mean longer than desired breaks between games, playing later into the night and championship games that are played later than the traditional 2:00 / 3:30 time slots. We will do our best as schedulers but teams should realize that additional fields, umpires and qualified staff aren't things that we can make magically appear.
Good luck and good health to everyone that is playing ball. We are happy to have you. Tim
Tim No shot taken, thanks. We will play games at anytime, anywhere, but certainly you can understand teams not wanting to driver 40 minutes one way 80 minutes round trip to a field if it can be avoided (over three days)
I emailed the 3 folks at ISA on your tournament link
One of them emailed me back stating " We will not be playing in Shelbyville as they seem to have double booked"
^^^^ if true we will get entry fee in and look for rooms in Columbus and hope for the best ^^^^
17Black, this is true. I found out this morning.
Thanks Nancy, I have No reason to fib on a softball message board :)
Maybe about the 410 foot home run that really went 301 with a 45 MPH tailwind ????
Nancy Allen...Hi Nancy...would you happen to know if they will be any 70 AAA or Major teams registered for the upcoming ISA Tournament? I notice last year that there were zero 70 or 75 teams entered...thanks for your help and consideration. Regards OZ
Spider9188, I do not. You would want to ask Amy as she is taking entries. I was hoping that with Shelbyville that we would have some older teams as a couple of the 75+ teams call it home.
Nancy close the gate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neck10, I closed it for you. Of course I cannot keep track of John opening it again. I hope that I get to see you soon.
Yikes, much to my surprise, we went to enter this tournament a few days ago and found out they are at full capacity. only 42 teams now due to losing Shelbyville & Dunn as field sites. We got put on waiting list. I sent entry fee via paypal and keeping fingers crossed.
Will there be separate 50 Divisions or will everyone in the 50 Division play in the same pool?
Jay ... Separate 50+ Divisions for Major and AAA ...
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