All managers (Men's 40, 50, 55 60 and Women's) received an email from me this morning concerning the Bert Bennett Memorial tournament.
To avoid confusion-
I am in an over-book situation, and have additional teams on the waiting list because our secondary park is not going to open in time (COVID, Grr). I've looked at a number of other locations with no success. I've got just 5 fields confirmed right now and need 114 game slots to complete the tournament using the traditional 2 pool into DE format.
I can squeeze it all in AND still give teams the 4 games that were advertised if they are open to playing in non-traditional formats (flighted brackets, pool into single elim, etc).
I think that most people will be happy to be back on the field, but want to be transparent here. I don't want any team feeling like they were promised "x" and received "y". Hence, today's email to managers.... If your manager is the kind of person that doesn't check email, please "ping" them for me. I am hoping to get an IN or OUT response from all 38 managers by 10am on Monday. From there I can start contacting teams on the waiting list.
REQUEST- Only team managers should contact me, and they should do it via email. I'm looking forward to family time this holiday weekend .
Thanks in advance everyone for respecting that .
Tim McElroy
Tournament Director
Tim, how I wish all TDs had your mindset and communication skills! Well done!