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Discussion: Left my bat at Westminster


I left my bat, a 26oz. black Combat Centenarian on field 4 Saturday at the 2 o'clock game. Deluxe Bakery and another 50's team were playing next. If you picked it up I would love to get it back. I will be at Loudoun.

Chris Wurm
Northeast Jackhammers
Might have been Deluxe Bakery vs. Team Elite or possibly Trinity playing the 3:30PM game on field 4 on Saturday?
cw, you might want to check with Tim, the tournament director as they are at the same complex this weekend
Hi k man, yes I spoke with Tim and I am in contact with the Team Elite manager so I hope one of their guys picked it up.
I should also mention it was the first base side dugout near the opening to home plate. Tim, I know you are busy, but would it be possible for me to get the email contact list for all the managers that attended the Maryland Classic? I am going to keep trying. My email is above. I am still hopeful that someone will be honest and step up and do the right thing.
Bump to top. Lost 7/11/20.
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