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Discussion: Fuse or not to Fuse

Hey Fellow softball team. I have a question and I need your help. Years ago when I was in my early thirties I injured my right wrist in a softball game. I didn't go to a Doctor and have it checked (yeah I know). I am now in my sixties and arthritis has kick in and it is sometimes painful. I went to a orthopedic surgeon and he tells me I broke one of the small bones in my wrist at sometime in my life and I need to Fuse my wrist. I'm still very active in sports and I don't really want to have it fused.

Has anybody have any experience with a fused wrist? Can you still play softball, basketball, pickelball? What are the limitations? Thanks for you help!

Brad Edginton (Reg) 27
Rocky Mountain Thunder 60's
Reg, Tape the wrist in question and see if that helps the pain. Don't fuse the wrist unless it is the only alternative (per your surgeon). What results are you looking for?
"Sometimes painful" sounds like what every guy over 60 that is physically active experiences on a regular basis. You never want to fuse a joint that gives you flexion, extension, and rotation unless absolutely necessary for all aspects of normal life.
Thanks Ollie. I appreciate your insight. Yes I agree with you about not having it fused. I played Pickelball today. I put KT tape on it and took Ibuprofen. The pain was defiantly less. Fusing is out of the question. Thanks

Reggie544, I have had some serious wrist pain (during winter months not playing softball I bowl and lift some weights) saw an orthopedic surgeon and was told to take a cortisone injection...works wonders...might give you the relief you are looking for.
Reggie44 I don't know about fusing but I've worn the wrist support below on both wrists for a few years and they have kept my wrist pain away.

I had mine fused in my mid thirties...got injured arresting someone! I was a lot younger but my decision was made clearer after researching what arthritis would do to my wrist... I did lose wrist snap that change how I throw a ball. Just know the pain will not get better...I remember knowing when the weather would change, because the barometric pressure effected my wrist that much! Stay in motion with grip exercises n stretching the wrist... good luck n stay healthy n safe! Aloha, Fabe
I have had 5 shoulder reconstructions starting from 01,03,18,19.20 ...I have hardware that is not metal. I play the OF and game prep is Salonpas Lidocaine Plus (over counter).. This cream always takes the edge off and lasts the entire game. I also use it on my knees and it def helps.
I wouldn't fuse especially being as active as you are...
Hope you find relief...
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