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Discussion: Force out or not

Posted Discussion
Feb. 8

1 posts
Force out or not
With man on first, shortstop fielding a ground ball, tripped & fell in his effort to force an out at second base. With the ball in his glove, he reached & touched the bag with his free hand. Referencing a first baseman who touches the bag with his foot on putouts while in possession of the ball, the runner was called out at second.
... but a runner caught between the bases trying to advance must be tagged with the ball. Anyone with complete umpire expertise, please clarify.
Thank you,
Feb. 8
Wayne 37
Men's 65
773 posts
Force out or not
Feb. 9

1126 posts
Force out or not
Rd... the runner was FORCED to vacate 1st base when the batter hit the ground ball he is out when the SS tagged the bag with his hand

A. A force out is force play that results from a batter becoming a batter-runner and before the batter-runner or a preceding runner have been put out.
(a) If a batted ball is caught prior to the ball touching the ground, there cannot be a force out.
(b) If the forced runner, after touching the next base, retreats for any reason towards the base he last occupied, the force play is reinstated and he may again be put out if the defense tags the runner or the base to which the runner is forced.
Feb. 9
Wayne 37
Men's 65
773 posts
Force out or not
Really the runner is only FORCED by the B/R becoming a runner 🏃‍♂️

If a runner does touch the next base (or not) the runner must touch the bases in reverse order, provided the runner is considered to be past said base.

In RdLake's OP the runner from FIRST is out.
Feb. 10

1996 posts
Force out or not
RdLake ask yourself this. If a runner is caught in a run down between first and second for example, that runner is not forced to advance to the next base. If all,that was required was to touch a base which base would you touch?
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