Hi---This winter I bought another pair of Easton belted long uniform pants with piping. I am sure at that time Easton offered belted shorts also. I have spent a couple of days on line looking for any manufacturer that produces softball, fastball, or baseball uniform apparel that can be considered shorts with a belt and or pockets. No luck whatsoever! Can somebody point me in the right direction?
Buy a pair of long pants and cut down.Boombah and Dicks Sporting goods have a big selection and the price is usually between $20 to $30.
Of course that is always an option, but I am not sure cut down long pants would resemble the looks or fit of actual shorts. Would much rather buy the real thing.
I'd say the waist area of shorts are the same as pants, minus the extra material!!
I would agree that the waist is the same, but I had it in my head that my pants, cut down would be much narrower above the knee.
I just looked at the Easton long pants and where I would make the cut is still quite wide. I guess I no longer have a problem with altering a new pair of pants and converting them into shorts.
I still would like to buy the real thing if possible. It amazes me that no manufacturer is offering belted and or pocketed shorts.
Thanks for your input so far. Frank
E-Bay is your friend. I have bought many shorts for softball through ebay (belted and non-belted) over the years. Some of those offering are through sporting good stores online, so they may have access to other types/styles/sizes you are looking for. Good Luck!
Have you thought about getting a time machine to bring you back to the 70's to get them? Sorry couldn't resist....
I manufacture softball shorts.
Belt loops
2 Front Pockets
1 Back Pocket
Colors: Black, Gray, Navy
Sizes: M (33-35) L (36-39) XL (40-42)
Shelby Simmons: seniormomentsfl@aol.com
Senior Moments, soory I missed your response. I found a local sport shop that sells what they call Coach's shorts for under $30 which has the look I wanted.
Franjan-who makes the coaches shorts. My last pair is 30 years old and finally falling apart. Thanks.And I will email you also, senior moments.
Franjan do those shorts come with a lanyard and coaches whistle?
That would really complete the ensemble along with striped white calf socks.
The 70's live on!!!
Senior Moments-these shorts are great. I bought 4 pair. Thank you!
By the way, these shorts replaced a couple pair that dated back into the early 80's and were still wearable. Senior Moments, I know I will order again around ....oh.....2060 or so when I start playing in the over 110 age group. Thanks.