How many times can a player be released from one roster to join another roster in the same season?
ONE ... That being said, there was some relaxation of those rules last Season due to the effects the Pandemic had on all of us ... If you are interested in seeing if you might be eligible for an exception to that ONE number, please call the Sacramento Office at (916) 326.5303 during weekday mornings in the Pacific Time Zone and ask for the roster/eligibility department ... Be prepared for a discussion on the specifics of your situation, including the name(s) of player(s) and team(s) ... You're highly unlikely to get a definitive ruling on a hypothetical situation ... Good luck!
Staff better question;
Is that one release per age and classification?
I.E AAA, Majors and Major plus.
Manny ... It's age-based only ... A player may not be on more than one roster at a time in any specific age group ... However, he may be on one roster in multiple ages for any eligible age group for him (say 50-AAA, 55-Major and 60-Major+), so he gets ONE release per Season per Age ... Any questions, you know the drill: Call Sacramento at (916) 326.5303 during weekday mornings Pacific Time ... Happy July 4th Holiday! ...
Thanks SSUSA Staff and Dave