I'm getting a little upset with the guys running this senior softball organization not having the time of day to say hi or try to get to know the guys that supply the funds for this oraganization. Case in point, Rick Siefman, head of the umpires, and runs tournaments.
This guy is so rude and disrespectful to almost every ballplayer out here. He gladly takes our money to put on tournaments. If you try to ask him a question, let it be about schedule, teams you're playing against or a rule, he gets testy and won't take the time to talk. And NO, he's nto always busy. There's no excuse, it disrepectful and rude.
Now, this last issue is very is very rude and arrogant. A couple of guys, yes they play senior softball, went out and organized wekkend tournaments in Fountain Hills for the past 2 years. It has grown a lot getting quite a few teams out there. Very successful.
Now, I just heard that the orrogant piece of work went to the City of Fountain Hills and negotiated a deal to run those fields and any tournaments that are put on out there. This is just BULL CRAP, lets keep it clean so you won't boot me off. This guy needs to be knocked down a few pegs.
I'm putting this message out there to imform All teams that this took place and DO NOT support this guy, and participate in any tournaments being put on out there. The guys that put on these original tournaments are seeking another site to hold these tournaments at. Keep checking back as they are putting this together. Unless Senior Softball blocks this message or any sent by these guys starting up tournaments elsewhere.
These tournaments put together were still run through Senior Softball rules and everyone was enjoying themself, and the awards were way better than what Rick Siefman gave out. Wheres all that money going that the teams pay to play? These other guys give out great stuff. Rick Siefman has no place in this organization, Senior Softball must be pretty hard up to keep him around. I've heard from other Directors that feel the same way.
Lets being back the fun, that was associated with playing softball.
New Rule: If you are going to bash, belittle or talk negatively about a specific person on this message board, you must identify who you are.
Slandering a person would hold more credence of believability if the person claiming the behavior or incident would identify themselves. For all we know this could be written by an Ex, or someone with a personal axe to grind against another.
Kim (Ollie) Oliverson #66 S.I. Rocky Mountain Thunder 60 Major
Pitch23, are your sure you have your facts correct before you criticize an individual. Could it be possible that Fountain Hills approached Rick to run the Tournaments ???
You also talk about the awards, let me enlighten you about that through first hand experience.
We won the Fountain Hills Tournament and received a $100 Target Gift Card which was appreciated. We just won the Flagstaff Mountain Madness and received 14 $20 shirts which was also appreciated. You do the MATH.
Ollie4, exactly my first thought after reading it. I have thought for a long time that you should be required to have your info in your profile.
Jim Golianis
JimmyG ... Years (at least a decade) ago there was a frequent poster here who threw total fits when he couldn't specifically identify posters who may not have totally agreed with him ... This forum has never required people to ID themselves to post, but it is pretty easy to figure out what to believe ... I have an increasing scale of credibility factors I employ ... There are NO credibility points on my ledger for [1] an anonymous poster [2] who has a very limited number of posts and [3] decides that his early comments are aggressively negative ... Pitcher23 hit the Trifecta of those "zero-credibility" criteria ... It also didn't help that I know from personal "insider knowledge" that he is also factually inaccurate, as baseballbill noted, in his analysis of what happened and how it transpired ... Be kind, folks ...
DD, I totally understand. I have followed this board for many years and often enjoy your responses to the anonymous posters. It is the same on other social media forums where many hide behind fake profiles to post the most ridiculous things. Not sure how you maintain your sanity sometimes. Keep up the great work!
Thanks JimmyG ... But truthfully, it doesn't take an "Einstein" (pun intended, for you vets!) to get along here! ...
Einstein, or Dirty, or Gary, or a few others. I have to admit I had a bit of fun trolling them until they happily disappeared.
Einstein, theres a guy i havent seen in years. He was 1 tough SOB, i remember playing against him in Nor Cal and seen him take a couple of absolute missles off his chest while playing 3rd base and 1 while he was pitching. I could not believe he would carry on like it was nothing. He was the only guy also that ove seen use a gardening glove as a batting glove.
He played one tournament with us. We pulled him out one game as he was getting shelled, just to give the other team a different look. After the game he informed us he would pitch every inning of every game, or else. We chose the or else.