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Discussion: Adidas Rockila shoes?

Trying to find Adidas Rockila shoes. Normally I buy them from a vendor at tournaments but could not find them in Phoenix. Any help in finding a source? Thanks.
Adidas Rockadia trail 3.0 are available for $69.95 thru Amazon
Thanks, but I am looking for the original shoe, which came as a 4E, and not the new 3.0. Perhaps the vendor who sold (sells) them at Vegas and Bullhead City tournaments can comment on their availability.
Hey Nv.... I think they are actually called Rockadia Wide. I am familiar with them as I have a wide foot. I think you can still find them on some websites. Good luck.
Once, just once I found a turf shoe that fit and kept your feet dry during damp or wet outfields in pregame hitting and fielding. I think Reebok made them and they were actually football turf shoes but lightweight. I should have bought 10 pairs! Now I just bring extra socks to the fields!
NV - I also have a wide foot, New Balance is my shoe of choice. Amazon shows two very popular models available in wide and xtra wide, most color combinations, models 481 V3 for $60.58 and 410 V6 for $64.95. Both are listed as trail runners.

I can’t find any Adidas in wide or xtra wide widths. Hope this helps.
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