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Discussion: Southern Championships - Dalton, GA

Posted Discussion
June 13
Men's 65
55 posts
Southern Championships - Dalton, GA
Can someone confirm if this is a new tournament on the schedule this year? If so, is there any indication yet of how many 60 and 65 teams might be participating? Thx.
June 13
Men's 70
4418 posts
Southern Championships - Dalton, GA
Yes, we can confirm that the Dalton event is a new location/venue for SSUSA's Southern Championships ... We won't have a fix on "numbers" until we get closer to the entry deadline of July 29th (about six weeks from now) ...
June 13
Men's 65
222 posts
Southern Championships - Dalton, GA
Texas Crush 65 Major Plus is going to be there if there is anyone to play.
June 13

983 posts
Southern Championships - Dalton, GA
True North / shinBiscuits (40 Major) are planning to attend the Dalton tournament. Hopefully some other 40s teams in the southeast will jump in, too.
June 14

518 posts
Southern Championships - Dalton, GA
Darrell Harris and Associates (60 AAA) are going
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