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Discussion: looking for 65 AAA or Major Team near eastern PA (Doylestown)
Currently playing on 60 Major team but looking to play on a 65 team. Outfielder.
Savador75, are you still looking for a team? We are a team out of Dayton, Ohio.
Savador75, are you still looking for a team? We are a 65AA team out of West Chester, PA
Salvador75, looks like you already made a contact for the Westchester 65 team that I know. I’m looking for a 60s team in the Delaware/PA area. Do you mind sharing who you are with now?
Actually, we never heard back from Savador75 regarding our West Chester 65AA team
Z Man, im fairly certain that Salvador would not be eligible to play on a 65AA team if he is rated 60 major.
Thanks AJC, you are right.
👍 Z Man, best of luck to you next year !
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