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Discussion: Baden Balls

Posted Discussion
Aug. 28
big cat7
Men's 50
138 posts
Baden Balls
Has anyone had a chance to hit these new balls that are going to be used in Vegas?We used a black stictched Baden in Nashville last year and it was the worst ball ive ever played with.Many years ago when the fire ball first came out it was as good as the rock
Aug. 29

774 posts
Baden Balls
These are NEW balls that have not been used anywhere that you played. I know all will be pleased with the performance.
Aug. 30
big cat7
Men's 50
138 posts
Baden Balls
tattooball are they anything like the first run Baden Fire balls that were so good
Aug. 31

774 posts
Baden Balls
I am not going to compare balls I will say they are great and you will be happy.
Aug. 31

216 posts
Baden Balls
Thanks again for the update. The Baden website says coming soon and we know SSUSA bought 700 dozen for Vegas however they indicate that they hadn’t received them yet. Does anyone know when they’re going to be available to purchase? Thanks
Aug. 31

774 posts
Baden Balls
You may want to call them, I think they still have a few left or ask for the ISA ball. It is printed 400 comp but is the same ball.
Aug. 31
Men's 70
4418 posts
Baden Balls
We'll see them for the first time in Las Vegas, which is the shipping destination ... They will be available for purchase from SSUSA in limited quantities at the tournament ... Retail availability timeline for public consumption is up to Baden, of course ... Good luck! ... Kevin: I DID notice from the pictures that there is an obvious comparison to be made ... They are both spherical and optic yellow ...
Aug. 31

774 posts
Baden Balls
Lol Dave I see you are still intact mentally after dealing with softball players for so long. Have a great holiday say hi to all.
Aug. 31
Men's 70
205 posts
Baden Balls
One of the Sr players in Brunswick County, NC had been given a couple of the "Baden Fire" red lettered balls for trials a couple of weeks back. This player apparently reps different bat and ball distributors and/or manufacturers.

Those of us that hit this ball were told that the overall diameter of the ball was slightly less than the AD Starr Tatoo 44/375 ball that we use and were comparing during these trials. Visually you could not discern the diameter was any smaller on the Fire vs the Tatoo (possibly manufactured to the bottom of the specification tolerances relative to diameter?).

The ball felt good coming off the bat initially but after approximately 10 batters hitting maybe 10 each, the cover felt "softer or rather more spongy" as described by all of those hitting this ball. The performance of the ball fell off during this approx 100 + hits as all hitters agreed.

Just an observation, not even sure if this would be same ball as described in the posts above.
Aug. 31

774 posts
Baden Balls
So why post things you have no actual facts of? Especially coming from someone that "reps" another company? The exact reason I wouldn't compare balls as someone asked. I guess some have no integrity.
Aug. 31
Men's 70
205 posts
Baden Balls
tatoo - let me get this straight as your response to me seems a bit personal.

the initial post asked, has anyone had the occasion to hit these Baden balls, i responded yes, and described the Baden ball that we hit to the best of my ability, without writing down a model number

as far as "Especially coming from someone that "reps" another company?" This guy from Brunswick County, (that was given the balls and probably from a Baden Rep?) sells all kinds of softball equipment, he simply wanted a diverse group of seniors to hit the ball and give him an honest evaluation. Job accomplished

facts that i posted were from personal experience, all 10 players were in lock step as to the results

Next time we will include a dial indicator caliper to check the diameter of the sphere that we are hitting, and see if we can find a Brinell hardness tester to check the surface hardness of the spheres that we are hitting.

As i said in my original post, "Just an observation, not even sure if this would be same ball as described in the posts above."
Sept. 1

774 posts
Baden Balls
Yes so you said you were told they are smaller but didn't see a difference. A stitching room has upwards of 1200 stitchers so every ball will be a little different because stitchers will pull laces tighter or not. After all they are human. But the real point is you don't even know if these are the balls. I know where they have all been sent for testing and received the feedback. Now maybe someone sent a few. I know every test group including the one I have hear have been hitting the same balls since June and they don't look smaller or have dropped in performance. So in closing yes I do take it personal when the review isn't clear on the facts and it's more of an assumption based on what someone has told them and the someone may also have a bias. It's not an attack on you personally just an observation that the facts may or ma not be represented. Have a safe and happy holiday to all.
Sept. 1

774 posts
Baden Balls
One of the main reasons I don't comment on other softballs I probably was the one that originally designed them. Since I have left and went on to other companies the old companies have made changes to save money. So it's an unfair comparison for me to do that. Also over the years you all have seen that if you aren't staying on top of the factories like a hawk They will make inferior balls and send them at will. Good batch bad batch, you've all experienced that. So they only way to really test is have the bad balls hit them and see if the others are better. I've been doing this 34 years and there will always be some difference, but if you have the personal QC that a smaller company and privately owned has the difference will not be measurable on the field.
Sept. 1
Men's 60
201 posts
Baden Balls
tattooball - I asked you this question on an earlier post and got no reply. I am reposting the same question please respond. "tattooball - What cover is being used for this ball?Is it the same cover as the ISSA ball? If it is the same cover Baden has been using the ball will be a dud in the heat!If it is the cover used for the ISSA ball it will be good. Please inform on this. Thanks!"
Sept. 1

774 posts
Baden Balls
Lb not sure why you think the cover has so much
to do with performance. The ISSA ball has had some real challenges in the past and it has that cover.

So to directly answer the question no it is not the same as ISSA. It is also not the same as Baden's cover in the past. It is a new ball. We do have this same ball coming with the composite cover that I have been using for the last 22 years.
Sept. 2
Men's 55
86 posts
Baden Balls
just hit the new Baden fire ball this morning that's going to be used at the worlds. central florida, 90 degrees, 80% humidity, and no wind.
similar in performance to the tattoo, perhaps knuckles a bit more due to slightly flatter seams, but no where near as much as the rock, which is ridiculous.
exit speeds were a bit off today for me, as my back was acting up a bit after a day of yard work yesterday...... but still averaged high 80's on line drives (normally in the low to mid 90's) hit probably 5 or 6 in the low 90's.
As to distance, no real difference from these to the NX3s I hit for BP on a regular basis. 330 average to 350 on a well struck one.
We have one "youngster" (he's 53 and I'm 62 so i get to call him a youngster..... ) he is a monster, and hit one at 101 on a line drive and was elevating at the low to mid 90's.
As Kevin said, you will all be just fine hitting this ball, especially in Vegas, where dirty socks wrapped in duct tape are a viable alternative.
Thanks for the hookup Kevin!!! Rusty was awesome to deal with!!
See you all in Vegas!!!!
Sept. 3

216 posts
Baden Balls
Doerbaum, thanks for sharing. How did you get your hands on that ball? Is there a site where they can be purchased or are you one of the manufacturer “tester’s”.
Sept. 3
Men's 70
4418 posts
Baden Balls
NY² ... That was an "Insider Trading" deal ...
Sept. 3
Men's 50
150 posts
Baden Balls

What is the difference between the Fire ball with black laces and the red laces?
Sept. 3
Men's 55
86 posts
Baden Balls
Just for full disclosure. It was not an insider trading deal Dave..😎 I know kevin but paid for three day air to ship from the few they had left after you guys bought them all..🤣🤣 as to me being a factory tester, no. Just trying to see what they were like. Can’t help it, I’m a “new stuff” junkie. Play for FBI 55m+.
Sept. 3
Men's 70
4418 posts
Baden Balls
I was just messin' with you, DOERBAUM ... Until Baden commences their retail sales of this new ball, only people who know and have access to the "insiders" will be getting advance shipments ... Hence the entirely non-judgmental reference! ... I find this entire pre-release process rather amusing ... All anyone needs to know was contained in one simple sentence above by Kevin: "..I know all will be pleased with the performance.." ... Now about all we're seeing is the hysteria of the unknown ... Relax guys, this ball will be perfectly fine ... Good luck all!

Sept. 3
Men's 55
86 posts
Baden Balls
Hi Dave !! The Answer was more to put to rest any questions as to me being from the “factory”…🙄🙄. Just an old softball junkie melting away in the Florida humidity. Can’t wait for that nice dry heat in Vegas..🤣🤣
Sept. 3
Men's 70
4418 posts
Baden Balls
I get it on the weather! ... The NWS is predicting this for Sacramento over the next six days: Sun (106°) / Mon (109°) / Tue (111°) / Wed (110°) / Thu (108°) / Fri (105°) ... If those numbers all "hit", I believe four of the six days will have all-time highs for those dates ... Ughhhh ... Travel safely and good luck!
Sept. 5
Men's 50
150 posts
Baden Balls

I'm kind of confused by your comment about "Until Baden Commences their retails sales of this new ball". If you go to the Baden site they are currently selling the same exact ball that was posted on the SSUSA site as the official ball for World Championships. Is there a difference in the ball that Baden is selling from its website and what will be being used?
Sept. 5
Men's 70
4418 posts
Baden Balls
JohnO28 ... At the time that post was made (Saturday morning), it was an accurate statement (and also consistent with DOERBAUM's comment on how he got a few for himself) ... Regardless, that's an answer for you to get from the Baden folks, not us ...

It would be an excellent idea for you to determine whether what you looked at is exactly identical to what we purchased for use as the Official Softball of the SSUSA World Championships ... If not, it's not eligible for use at the tournament ... Close only counts in horseshoes and grenade tossing ... Good luck!

Sept. 9
Men's 50
22 posts
Baden Balls
Are these the red stitch senior Baden #SPFIRESEN-00?
Sept. 9
Men's 70
4418 posts
Baden Balls
Hi Doug ... Don't have any idea yet ... They hit the receiving dock in Las Vegas either yesterday or today and we won't be in town until Tuesday evening ... The first live sighting will probably be sometime Wednesday! ... Good luck!
Sept. 10
Men's 55
86 posts
Baden Balls
Red stitch red logo. Hit them again this morning. Probably 30 swings total on each of two dozen balls in the Fl heat and humidity over the last week . Still say perhaps not quite a tattoo but a good ball. No fall off I can see after multiple swings per ball. My synopsis…it’s round, it’s yellow, and it’ll fly just fine.
Sept. 10
Men's 75
608 posts
Baden Balls
Thanks DOERBAUM for the update. At 75, I was getting worried that my hits might not reach 270-280'.
Sept. 11
Men's 50
150 posts
Baden Balls

I have had the chance to supposedly see and hit the ball you same ball you hit. If it is in fact the same ball the Fire ball is slightly smaller in diameter than the Trump Stotes generally used in SSUSA. That was done in a field test without a mircometer. We did wrap a string around the ball and mark where it overlapped and the Fire ball was definitely smaller. With that being said the outer layer of the Stote is more spongy than the Fire ball which might make it have an overall larger circumference.
Sept. 12

774 posts
Baden Balls
Dave the one's you are hitting are synthetic, they are always a little behind composite like the Tattoo. I will say all of our testing is still right there. We do have composites coming soon.
Sept. 15

216 posts
Baden Balls
Hopefully we hear great feedback about the ball today.
Good luck to all
Sept. 15
Men's 70
4418 posts
Baden Balls
NY² ... Yippie, I won my side bet with another Director! ... I had the "UNDER" on whether the first "WHAT ABOUT THE BALL?!?!?!" post here would be before or after first pitch 8:00 AM ... You posted at 7:28 am ... Thanks! ... Now it's on to the 2nd bet in our little parlay: I have the OVER on the number of such posts during the day ... We'll see!!! ... This is great! ... Good luck everyone! ...
Sept. 15

216 posts
Baden Balls
Glad to hear and you can always count on me. Are you going to share the bet with me if I see you next week?
Sept. 15

64 posts
Baden Balls
I’m a State Director who hosts Adult and Senior events, have used the Trump Rock, Classic M, Dudley Advanced and this ball in my opinion doesn’t stand up to those. The new ball ShortPorch I used one event and got reviews that compares it to the Trump.

Just my 2 cents worth.
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