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Discussion: Winter World’s Field Locations

Will the WW field locations come out prior to the entry fee deadline so that hotel accommodations can be made? Just asking and I know that they are draft locations, nothing concrete.
Probably not ... Give us a chance to finish Las Vegas today and regroup? ... The Phoenix entry deadline is still over three weeks away and the facility lineup has changed ... In Session 1 (65+ and more Senior men) we anticipate using eight fields at Bell Bank Park by Legacy Sports in Mesa and four fields at Papago Park in Phoenix ... No, we won't know specifically who is playing where in Session 1 until the entry deadline, but this narrows the housing options radius to the SE quadrant of the Valley of the Sun ...

Session #2 (60+ and younger men, senior women and both Men's and Women's 40-Masters) is currently a complete unknown, with one exception: The Legacy Sports 60-Major Plus team has asked to play at their home facility, and that request will be granted ... The Session 2 mix includes Bell Bank Park in Mesa, ALL Phoenix facilities and Sahuaro Ranch Park in Glendale, but Cactus Yards in Gilbert is not contemplated for use this year ...

Thanks D2
I just wanted to mention the following information that was relayed to me.....If SSUSA is considering Boomba in Samford Fl . Then most if not all hotels are full and will remain full for a long time due to IAN . I think Disney would be a great fit for SSUSA ,players and players family .
Good luck with bell bank. If you think it cost to much for for entry fees at big league dreams in Vegas be prepared for the prices at bell bank plus its way out on the eastside of mesa near queen creek.
10$ to park...11$ to enter the softball fields and food prices way over priced plus no matter what venue you wanna go in there it has a high price for entry, O-ya no eating your food & pop up tents in the parking lot ... Im wasn't impressed with the fields either nor was some of the other teams. TONS OF MOSQUITOES at the fields also, dont know if they will be a problem at that time of the tourney.
yankeesfan12 ... After reading your rather harsh Bell Bank Park rant a couple of times, I began to wonder/suspect if there was much (or even any) truth to it ... My curiosity was piqued because your recent similar take about the revamped and improved Hollywood and Shadow Rock Parks in Las Vegas was so far off the mark ... Since timing is everything, I was pleasantly surprised today when I got an unsolicited call from the Bell Bank Park Director of Diamond Sports, Steve Rutledge, asking if I could set the record straight here ... Not surprisingly, you "fanned it" in almost all significant aspects, but here's what I learned that will be of interest to our membership, other than you ...

• I'll begin with the ONLY one you got right ... Bell Bank Park is in Mesa, in the SE quadrant of the Valley of the Sun ... For a tournament that has historically had venues ranging from Victory Lane in Glendale to Cactus Yards in Gilbert (50± miles apart), Bell Bank Park is between those two extremes
• Parking for the Winter World's will be $5 daily, with in/out privileges all day ... That's half of the daily $10 rate you made up
• Daily Park entry fees for SPECTATORS will be $5, also with in/out privileges ... That's less than half of the daily $11 rate you made up ... But here's the biggie: THERE IS NO FEE FOR PLAYERS ... That's $11 less than the $11 daily rate you made up
• Pop-up tents ARE allowed so long as they do not take up an unused (by a vehicle) parking spot ... They may, for example, cover the back of a car or pickup truck so long as they do not extend into and/or impede normal traffic flow lanes in the parking lots
• You may consume your own food in the parking lots, but you may not bring that food into the Park, nor may you set up/use your private grilling device to prepare that food
• There will be food trucks and other independent food provider options available at the Park in a range of prices, but the Park does not set the prices for those vendors
• The fields, apparently, also fail to meet your exacting standards ... Despite your assertion coming as no surprise to us, we're going to defer any judgment on that until after the event when we are able to receive and assess the membership's opinions

Great Update DD, (no BS) hope to C U at Bell Park. Playing 70AAA
I think yankeesfan is just upset because the Mets made the playoffs!! Haha Lets Go Mets!
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