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Discussion: 60 and 65 Major Plus Teams

Posted Discussion
Jan. 11
Men's 60
23 posts
Can anyone tell me how many 60 and 65 major plus teams there are?

Jan. 11
Men's 75
613 posts
Click on the Ratings link above and you'll get a good idea for both age groups. There are age groups that have teams listed, but they no longer are active.
Jan. 11
Men's 65
222 posts
It's hard to tell since inactive teams are listed too. Look at World's last year, which should give you a good idea. Last year there were six 65's and five 65's.
Jan. 11
Men's 65
222 posts
Meant to say five 60's
Jan. 11
Men's 75
613 posts
2022 World's 60's
1.Legacy Sports USA (AZ)
2 LPC 60's (CA)
3 Minnesota Merchants
4 Texas Crush Sixties
5 Vandals (CA)

1 Arizona Scorpions 65's
2 Cal Energy (CA)
3 Demolition (CA)
4 KC Kids 65's (MO)
5 Texas Crush Sixty Fives
6 Top Gun Elite (CA)
Jan. 16
Men's 60
23 posts
Yes, but didn't a bunch of teams get bumped up from major to major plus after the 2022 worlds?
Jan. 17
Men's 65
222 posts
You can go to the Ratings page and sort by date to see who recently was moved up or down. I think you will be severely disappointed if you think a "bunch" of the '60s and '65s got moved up to Major Plus.
Jan. 19
Men's 65
42 posts
2 teams from 65 Major that finished 1-2 in Vegas last Sept. got moved up to M+. (Samauri and Dan Smith). I believe there were 2 teams that were M+ that did not play in Vegas last Sept. So in totality there are probably 10-11 "active" 65 M+ teams currently. The rating page is very deceptive as there are prob 30+ teams listed as 65 M+ but many of them say they became M+ in 2012, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. I doubt any of those teams are still fielding a team in the 65 M+ division. I asked SSUSA to update the rating page but never got a response.
Hope this helps.
Parman - 65 KC Kids
Jan. 19
Men's 65
42 posts
AZRealtor- Houston Fire 65 Major also got bumped to M+ 65 for 2023.
Has to be no more than 12 "active" teams in our division.
Jan. 21
Men's 60
23 posts
Thanks Parman. Appreciate it!
Jan. 23

16 posts
Top Gun Elite has disbanded, No longer playing as a team. Most of the players have aged up to 70 or moved to other teams.
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