Ladies and Gentlemen, Great job posting the results of the TOC which was completed yesterday. Well done. Thanks Harry # 20 NVFORCE 75s
Thanks birdie ... I was following along and happy to see your guys win ... That made it two Championships for the No. Virginia Force franchise ... Congrats!
Are the full completed brackets posted somewhere? I'm not seeing them. Thank you.
Click on the age group you're interested in getting results for and the data should immediately appear.
Great job guys! Great time all around at the TRUE Tournament of Champions!
SSUSA, well done on posting all the results for the TOC and for doing it so quickly. It was enjoyable just to sift thru the results and follow the many teams with players I know. In my humble opinion, game by game result updates are the only thing that keeps SSUSA from standing head and shoulders above all other associations. Nicely done.
Kudos to the director at Walker Road. With the rain delays and the conditions of the fields kept things going. Very good to work with. Not Tim, but pretty close. Well run with very good umpiring. Always a pleasure playing SSUSA! THANKS AGAIN!
Jay, Your a funny man. Hope all is well. Birdie # 20
Good Job on the Updates for TOC! I've been a critic of scores being posted, nice to see the effort! Thanks!!!!!
Wasn't really happy with umpiring staffing for this tournament. There were calls missed that changed games outcome. Is there a reason why we didn't have a 2nd umpire? To be honest a few umpires didn't understand why they didn't have a 2nd umpire with them on Saturday and Sunday. Just wanted to bring that up.
Still Got Wheels- 4ish years ago, SSUSA moved to a system where 1 umpire is used during the first few days and 2 umpires are used on championship day. While not ideal, it is the result of a declining umpire population. I believe that's how it worked at the ISSA, too. There were 3 senior tournaments in central FL this past weekend with 300+ teams on the field at the same time. I believe that FL USSSA also had part of their challenge cup going on.
I'm aware that the other associations had some shortages and / or no-shows this past weekend. It happens. SSUSA used a mix of locals and traveling umpires from 6 states to minimize potential problems.
If you want to talk about specific situations or calls, send me an email with details of what, when & where. I'll try to look into it for you-
My team played at Loyce Harpe and we had no issues with the umpiring. Not all fields had 2 umpires on Sunday for every game, but that was not issue. It is not a fault of SSUSA if not enough umpires were available or no-showed.
Umpiring shortage, Tim? I am sure not surprised. I have watched what these guys put up with and am surprised we have enough for large tourneys already. Just like we are not professionals, they aren't either. You can argue that they get paid, but most are guys trying to make some bucks for their families. And I have watched too many people go way beyond acceptable arguing. We need to remember it is a GAME.