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Discussion: New rules and changes

I have to applaud the association’s move today to follow the major league lead and go to larger bases and a UNIVERSAL tie breaker for senior softball. The wisdom shown by the major leagues to make the game EASIER for the millionaires that seem to be unable to break a shift, run so far, or are too ‘put upon’ to play extra innings the way it was meant to be played because they might be ‘too tired’ must be the role model for Seniors, also.
With that in mind, the NEW 5-foot square bases will have many advantages for seniors.
1. It will decrease the distance between bases to 65 feet (except from home to first) and will be easier to get there with less effort.
2. It will be easier for the first baseman to ‘find’ the bag on infield grounders.
3. The increase in size for the safety base also will lessen the chances of a collision.
4. Runners have a larger bag to hit as they round the bases. This is important for those facing early ‘old person mental issues’ also known as ‘Senior Moments’.
5. I understand the new bases will be equipped with a beeping sound to make it easier for the eyesight impaired to find the new and bigger base………
6. This also will help with the ‘ghost’ tag of second on a double play.
Also, the new universal tie-breaker should help Seniors get extra inning games over quickly. Starting with the bases loaded in the extra innings should provide plenty of chances to score.
I heartily approve of these moves!!!!
good rule changes Webbie but you forgot hittng with the auto- pitcher that keep them from getting hit. be like hitting off a tee
W25 - Always bright and early... <:)
He’s been waiting for this since the Winter Worlds in November!
Webbie25, you know that there are some people who don’t know how to use a calendar that will get high blood pressure over this. Let the debates begin. 😉
nancy.. worse than that is that DD has already written some of them down to bring up at the next rules committee meeting
...and it took so long, I almost ran out of crayons! ... Ha!
Now this is one of the reasons that I love you guys and consider you framily.

You could take #4 & #5 and start a new senior tournaments and call
it "SSSMBB" (Senior softball senior moment beeper ball tournaments).
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