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Discussion: Quad City Qualifier

Posted Discussion
May 31

30 posts
Quad City Qualifier
Can a Brother get some hep....Just checked on this T and it says full. can't seem to find teams that will be attending. what say Ya'll??
May 31
Men's 50
139 posts
Quad City Qualifier
I'm going to guess that since payments aren't due until next Tuesday that they won't be posted until the payments are actually received.
June 4
Men's 60
10 posts
Quad City Qualifier
JohnO28 is correct SSUSA normally post teams attending T 2 weeks before start date of T.
Start date is 6/20 so should see full list early this week.
FYI 52 teams entered for QC Classic.
TD Kenny Chard
June 4
Nancy Allen
Men's 55
1440 posts
Quad City Qualifier
I agree. No one ever lists before the payments are due. This is an independent director; so sometimes teams are never listed on this site. I did look back the last couple of years, and they were listed for those. There are lots of small tools on this site for a little “forensic” investigation.
June 8
Men's 55
10 posts
Quad City Qualifier
What are the “forensic “ investigations please !! I looked everyday for the schedule then results for the Little Canada tournament because I had to work and couldn’t go . Found nothing . I just feel that someone from those tournaments should post something. I can find every play for my 10 year granddaughters team but sometimes nothing from some tournaments for us .. I know it takes some time but is nice to see . Just my input . Thanks
June 9

10 posts
Quad City Qualifier
Please don't ever say that JohnO28 is right!
June 9
Men's 50
139 posts
Quad City Qualifier
JL1919, you know it happens more than you want to admit.
June 9
Nancy Allen
Men's 55
1440 posts
Quad City Qualifier
Mike777, sorry, that was my word for Dave as applies to our non-softball work. You are right that sometimes things are hit or miss. Often if there is nothing on here about a tournament, it is because there were zero issues which is a good thing.
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