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Discussion: 35-35 Amazing!

Shout out to the lead off Hitter for Hara’s 50 Major plus for starting of the World tourney last weekend going 35-35 OBA before he made his 1st out in his 3rd AB of the 7 game. I believe he finished 44-48. Any one out there have any stories of some awesome stats like this?
Isaac Alvidrez aka Chito went 35-38 last weekend. BTW he is 62 years old and played on our 60’s team that finished 3rd out of 41 teams.
We also played 9 games.
To clarify our 60 team played in the 50 Major.
In 2018 playing 55 majors, team's number 3,4,and 5 hitter went a combined 93 for 99 in 8 games. Team never trailed in any inning, never exceeded the home run limit and swept the tournament 8 & 0 (Vegas Worlds).

number 3 hitter made 1 out (32 for 33)

number 4 hitter made 2 outs (31 for 33)

number 5 hitter made 3 outs. (30 for 33)

I think that was pretty good.
garyhitter59 that’s as impressive as it gets. Tough to beat a team who doesn’t make outs!!!
GO Capital: Travis went 36 - 41 with 3 bombs. Co MVP last weekend with Lasaca
Those are some impressive stats. I don't know the Hara's batter but Chito is a professional hitter.

And here I thought I was doing pretty good going 61 for 70 combined for the 65's, 60's, and 50's.
A couple years ago Steve Imlay, playing 60 M+ and 65 M+ in worlds went 54-58. Amazing.
During our BP session today, I showed Col Mike Smith this thread. He takes out his phone, pulls up HOF Don Clatterbough. During a stretch of tournaments, Don went 102 out of 104 at bats and he had power to spare.

Diesel Dan since I know Clatterbaugh very well and played against him many times in young man’s ball that doesn’t surprise me in the least!!
Hello Kegs,

I'm just glad we could beat you old farts and put the feather in our cap. Lol just kidding.

Very impressive play.

Good to see you.
aka Shags
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