I play in a number of senior leagues in Thousand Oaks Ca. I have looked in every rulebook, whatever organization and have never come across any rules pertaining to runners being allowed or not allowed to be in the "pickle situation" In all our local leagues our rule states if you are running to a base and make a turn back to the previous base you must continue back to that prior base. One turn. Is there a written rule?
MS.. in SSUSA a runner can make multiple reverses there is no specific number.. and yes many local leagues make up thier own rules to suit their league
MS - You should cut and paste these local rules to allow supportive comments/conversations by BJ and the many other umpires that offer much assistance on this forum. I trust there is something being interpreted incorrectly as you have stated above a rule set that is entirely too confining or restrictive for play.
To my knowledge there is but one rule that prohibits direction or stopping the act of running by the batter/runner or any baserunner and that is 8.3.H in the SSUSA rulebook. Other than the running of the bases in reverse order making a mockery of the game is an automatic out also.
Not knowing the wording of your local rules, how would that rule set govern the play below: base runner rounds third thinking they could score, but throw comes into either catcher or pitcher cutting of the ball, he jams on brakes BEFORE reaching the commitment line and is going back to 3rd, the fielder that got the throw toward the plate then throws wildly to 3rd in attempt to pick off the runner, runner then changes direction and scores a run at the scoring plate or line. As you have described in your local rule set he could not score?? Bad rule or interpretation of your rule set.