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Discussion: New bat rule clarification.

Posted Discussion
Dec. 3
Men's 60
236 posts
I understand that the new bats have to have SSUSA stamp or NTS, but my question is are bats manufactured before 2021 still legal if they have the bpf of 1.21 or lower. Are USSSA 220 bats still legal and what about older seniors that only have the bpf 1.20 on them. I am being told by bat reps that if it doesn't have a stamp it's not legal. My '05 Combat Original DaBomb senior bat only has the bpf 1.20 on it. The way I'm reading it, bats manufactured before 2021 only need a bpf stamp of 1.21 or lower. Thanks
Dec. 3

1126 posts
All bats manufactured prior to 2014 marked "1.21 BPF" (Bat Performance Factor) or less, SSUSA approved bats, or bats having an ASA 2000 or 2004 stamp are approved for use. Any bat displaying the label "Exceeds 1.21 BPF" is not approved. The rating must be [1] clearly visible on the bat, or [2] be clearly and permanently marked by either SSUSA logo or “Approved for SSUSA Use”, or similar, by permanent sticker, etching or imprint. Any new bats introduced by bat manufacturers after 2013 must appear on the SSUSA Approved Bat List to be legal for use in any SSUSA sanctioned event. Effective November 1, 2023, newer bats must be marked with the SSUSA/NTS logo.
Dec. 3
Men's 60
236 posts
I know that part, my question is on approved bat list it says all bats manufactured before 2021 must have a bpf of 1.21 or less. I have a Combat Original DaBomb that only has a bpf 1.20 on it, and USSSA 220 bats were made before 2021 and used to be legal
Dec. 3
Men's 70
4418 posts
ju25 ... I missed the "Happy New Year" for this season and gave you erroneous advice. I have been (correctly) advised that our new bat rule, which took effect November 1st, requires ALL bats to have a SSUSA stamp or say "SSUSA approved" on them. So, the old USSSA bats are NOT legal if they do not have a SSUSA stamp. My apologies for the confusion.
Dec. 4

983 posts
It looks like B.J. quoted most of the rule change but left off the final sentence, which appears at the top of page 15.

"Older bats must say SSUSA approved (or have the SSUSA logo) with 1.21 BPF or lower marked on them."

New bats- Must have the SSUSA / NTS logo.
Old bats- Must have "SSUSA approved" OR the SSUSA logo AND the BPF stamped on them.
Dec. 4
Men's 55
56 posts
I heard the penalty is first time offense the player is warned and second violation is ejection from tournament, it this correct?
Dec. 4

983 posts
BANDITOS180- From the 2023-2024 SSUSA rulebook

Page 17-
A. Any attempt to use an illegal bat in SSWC or SSUSA play will result in the batter being ejected from the. The second offense by a member of the same team will result in a player and manager being ejected from the tournament.

B. The batter will also be called out.

C. The base runners will be instructed to return to the base(s) occupied at the time the illegal bat was used, provided there are fewer than three outs.
Dec. 5
Men's 55
56 posts
Appreciate this Tim.
Dec. 5
Men's 60
236 posts
So my '05 Combat senior is illegal because it only has a bpf 1.20 stamp
Dec. 15
Men's 70
3248 posts
So, my bats with "Senior Softball World Championship bpf 1.21" is no longer approved?
Just making sure.
Dec. 15
Donna McGuire

70 posts
ju25 and BruceinGa: As long as your older bats have the SSUSA stamp on them (sounds like they do), they remain legal. The 1.20 or 1.21 bpf means those bats were legal when manufactured. They remain legal as long as they have that wonderful SSUSA logo or say “SSUSA approved” on them.
Dec. 15
Men's 70
3248 posts
Mine say Senior Softball World Championship, not SSUSA (Senior Softball USA).
Dec. 21
Men's 60
236 posts
No stamp on my '05 Combat just bpf 1.20
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