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Discussion: Altered bat?

Posted Discussion
July 12
Double Dee

30 posts
Altered bat?
I moved to Arizona and the heat down here is different. I had 2 different bats that both started rattling, I learned that the weighting on the end cap is made of a plug with bb's that are glued together. I assume the heat did the damage. I took off the end cap, removed the offending bb's (just a few), cleaned up the old glue and re-glued the end cap on. A friend told me that now I can't use this bat at tournaments as it is "altered". Is this correct? I don't think re-gluing an endcap on is altering the bat's performance, but I do understand that when someone shaves a bat they have to remove the endcap. Thoughts, SSUSA?
July 14

991 posts
Altered bat?
You're joking, right? Absolutely altered.
July 14
Double Dee

30 posts
Altered bat?
Re-gluing the cap?
July 14
Men's 70
4443 posts
Altered bat?
Nope! ... Opening the bat and removing material meets one of the definitions of altering a bat ... That's also, in theory, the same thing that happens when a bat is shaved ... If/when you feel the urge to do something like this again, may I suggest you take the (unopened) bat to a bat manufacturer rep at the tournament and seek their assistance ...
July 14
Double Dee

30 posts
Altered bat?
OK, got it. The urge was created when I heard rattling. I'll just use it in league. It definitely didn't make the bat hot but, I understand sticking to rules.
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