Is there a rule regarding what a catcher can say during a pitch or making a misleading call?
Ex: batter hits ball down 3rd base line, batter starts to run to 1st and catcher yells "foul". Ump doesn't say anything as ball is fair. Batter stops running assuming ump made the call and is thrown out at 1st? What is the rule for this?
2) catcher yells "strike" on a pitch even though ball does not strike mat. Ump says nothing since it was a ball. I ask ump if that was really a strike and he says no!?
Could someone point me to the rules regarding these types of verbal misleading issues?
ICR.. there is no specific rule covering this but in your ex.1 I would immediately call time give the catcher a warning for verbal interference and since the ball was fair I would award the batter as many bases as in my judgement he could have made ..
#2 again I would give the catcher a warning tell the batter the correct count and if the catcher continues with his antics I would eject him for unsportsmanlike conduct
Something like this was on this Message Board a couple of years ago, and here is an "on point" post from that thread I thought was pretty good ...
Sometimes ASA/USA rules become the guidelines when specific rules fall short. Below are some rules specific to this play:
ASA Rule Supplement or Point of Emphasis
33: Interference is defined as the act of an offensive player or team member which impedes, hinders or causes a defensive player attempting to execute a play. It may be in the form of physical contact, verbal distraction or any type of distraction which would hinder the fielder in the execution of the play.
SPA 2020 Rule Book Definitions
Sec. 40 INTERFERENCE: The act of an offensive team member, which impedes, hinders or confuses a defensive player while attempting to execute a play. If judged so by the umpire, vocal interference may be called against any player (s) whether on the field or in the dugout area.
Federation Softball Rules Section 2 Definitions
Section 32 Art 1 Interference is an act (physical or verbal) by a member of the team at bat who illegally impedes, hinders or confuses any fielder…
I once had a catcher keep calling time out on this one particular batter when the pitch was in the air. The batter swung at the pitch and flew out. After the play was over I called verbal interference on the catcher and he was warned. Do it again and your out if the game.
In USSSA and One Nation the batter has the option of taking the result of the play or a do over.
The batter obviously took a do over and hit a hr.
Three innings later the same catcher did it again. I tossed him.
Don’t understand the mentality some of these young guys.
9.1 H and J speak to offensive interference. 8.4 10 describes the application.
I'll even go further than the excellent info Dave provided. In my judgement, if the catcher is interfering verbally with the batter in the box by yelling, for example, "GREAT PITCH, THAT's A STRIKE" while the pitched ball is in the air, I will give the catcher a warning. By second attempt, I will deem it an obstruction.
I'm often confronted with, "Am I not allowed to speak as the catcher?!" I say, sure....just don't obstruct the batter. Why? If the catcher wants to encourage the pitcher, the catcher can wait until the ball is batted or it lands. Otherwise, the idea of the catcher trying to throw off the batter is by definition, interference.
Awesome info. Thanks for the clarification