I haven't seen anything on this...so I am curious how the bat testing has been going? Perhaps some clarification as well. I read somewhere that any bat that doesn't pass the test will be sent back to the manufacturer for testing. Is that correct? I have 2 original Dudley Lightning balanced bats I use which are approx 10 or so years old. I personally have never broken a bat (everyone tells me it's because I don't swing hard enough)! But if they are that old...they may not pass the compression test.
How many tourneys have the testers been used at? Do you have a % of the number of bats that have failed the testing? Have you found many that have been altered? Thx!
papa t ... You have asked several questions, so we can offer the following in reply ... The bat testing is a learning experience for all parties concerned, on both sides of the Director table ... If a bat fails the compression test (by a compression reading less than 140), we give the bat owner a "choice" ... [1] They will be asked to voluntarily surrender the bat to us for additional testing by either the manufacturer or a certified testing lab ... [2] Or, they may choose not to do so, at which time they will be informed that today is the 1st day of their 10-year suspension for declining to allow the bat to be tested ... Nobody has taken the second approach to date ...
Random testing occurred at both the Eastern and Western National's in the past two weeks and will happen at the Rochester (MN) 10,000 Lakes Qualifier and the Ray Demarini Classic (Portland, OR) events this week, and the Rocky Mountain Championships next week ... We have experienced relatively low numbers of failed tests ... We have no information yet on any altered bats ... A bat that fails is NOT presumed to be altered ... The only certainty about that bat is that it failed testing and further analysis by qualified experts (not us) is required to determine why ...
just jumping in here.....will there be bat testing at the vegas worlds?
SSUSA staff,
I have a question about this statement:
. If a bat fails the compression test (by a compression reading less than 140), we give the bat owner a "choice"
YES • At ALL venues
We are all aware by now of the new testing number that has been set in place. But SSUSA has been very vague in answer any of the follow up questions that were asked when this rule went into place. But for now can we get some clarification of those two statements.
Seeing as they are going to be testing at all venues in Vegas does your first statement about offering a choice of allowing you to send the bat in or start a suspension if the bat fails compression only take place if the bat is taken during a game or does it apply to testing the bat at the beginning of the tournament?
I would think you're going to test the bats when people check in their first day and issue some sort of sticker for the bat for the duration of the tournament. But I don't see it being possible that if you test the bat at check in and it fails that your first statement would come into play.
SSUSA Staff - your Aug 8 discussion entry, after testing and bat failure you give the player two choices (1) and (2) My question when (1) is followed, "it failed testing and further analysis by qualified experts (not us) is required to determine why ..."
Further analysis by qualified experts:
(1) does the further testing destroy the bat? or render it non-useable after the testing?
(2) are the tests non-destructive tests, examples x-ray or ultrasound ? or are the tests destructive, example RTT or ETT tensile tests, or other?
Your last sentence in the Aug 8 discussion entry, " ... A bat that fails is NOT presumed to be altered ... The only certainty about that bat is that it failed testing and further analysis by qualified experts (not us) is required to determine why ..."
I also have a Dudley Lightning OG bat and would not want to lose this bat for any reason, even if i just keep it with other memorabilia never to be used again. But step (2) as the only option other than sending possibly a $400 bat to be evaluated without knowing if you would ever see it again seems to be too severe an option.
This step (2) implies that the owner of the bat, wishes to keep a bat that has failed a compression test for nefarious reasons and is a cheater. Guilty before proven innocent? You have already stated "A bat that fails is NOT presumed to be altered ..." but only options, (1) surrender for testing or (2) suspended for 10 years.
Could the bat be marked in some way on the handle with vibrating scribe or permanent stamp with the compression results? clearly visible for anyone to see to prevent the bat from ever being used in a SSUSA tournament setting? And then handed back to the player for them to do with as they please, including using for BP, local league, or stand in the corner with their other memorabilia?
I agree that bat testing is a learning experience as you have stated, just a couple of questions/thoughts that come to mind.
thanks RR
JohnO28 ... This bat testing process is just a testing equipment enhancement to a LONG-TERM Rulebook provision ... It's NOT a NEW concept by any definition ... See §3.4(5) • BAT INSPECTION on page 15 ... I've been the editor of the Rulebook for over 12 years, and it's been there the entire time of my tenure ... The user "choice" is discussed at the NOTE at the end of §3.4(5) ... That's also been there as long as I can remember ... SSUSA does not have "seizure" rights, so we ask for the bat owner to voluntarily surrender it for further testing ... If they decline, then §3.4(6) at the very bottom of page 15 governs ... This one has also been there as long as I can remember ... We are NOT currently testing every bat, but if we do expand to that scope of coverage, we will likely implement a sticker ID system ...
Turning2 ... The sole intent of upgrading our testing capabilities is to deter players bringing "non-compliant" bats to our tournaments ... The owner's "choice" will be the same if the bat is tested and fails as part of an entire team's bats being randomly tested, or simply a walk-up bat presentation by a curiosity seeker ... Our presumption is if you brought it to the park, your intention was to use it in competition ... If you have a "sentimental/never-use-it" bat, there is no reason to bring it with you ... Further testing by the qualified experts will be consistent with their technical expertise ... We believe, and presume, they have the capability to remove and replace an end cap, visually inspect, weigh and otherwise measure the bat, and do so in a manner that does not destroy it ... If the bat is good-to-go (i.e., NOT altered) it will be returned to you with an advisory not to use it in SSUSA competition ... If it determined to be altered, then check back in on page 15 and 16 of the Rulebook to see what might happen to you next ...
I felt that SSUSA's original answer was pretty clear. So far, the process for testing bats, etc hasn't been without a bit of trial & error. They (SSUSA) are working to develop one that more effectively meets the goal.
Rather than raise speculations or create unneccessary panic, I'm respectfully asking that you take a step back and let SSUSA continue to work through the process.
JohnO28 ... We're not doing "insult posts" today so yours went away ... For simplicity sake, here's the reality of the situation ... There's NOTHING new in our bat testing except the 15 new testing units we acquired to replace the single outdated one we had previously used ... The bat manufacturers and the principal associations codified the "140" test number sometime late this spring to simply replace the former 1.21 BPF test standard that was the intellectual property creation of Dr. Brandt decades ago ... He retired last year and the NTS Lab is the successor testing certification entity ... All other procedures, including voluntarily relinquishing the "failed test" bat for testing are unchanged ...