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Discussion: BLD dimensions

I know this has been discussed in the past but can someone post a link with the dimensions of the fields at BLD.
I tried Google and found results for Yankee Stadium but that was all I could find.
Essentially with BLD you need to hit the bat with the opposite bat knob because anything in the air is a HR. Love the complex but the fields play like little league fields
I agree. I remember a couple of years ago we were out of hrs and I hit a linedrive out that would have normally been a typical single.
One good thing is that we have unlimited hrs in the 75 division.
Don't go to Vegas Bruce, we are just gonna' walk you <:)
Lol, it's part of the game.
I play in an over 40 league and its so crazy when I walk a batter with two outs and the fifth run is on second or third with first open. I mean they are ready to fight!
When playing at BLD in Vegas you end up playing what is called “wall ball”
Since fences are shorter it’s how outfielders play balls hit off the wall.
I could be like that, except there aren't many 75 yearolds that have the speed to stretch a single or double to a triple. If you can't score from second you don't deserve the run!
One more thing, it not about how many you hit over the fence, it how many you hit out of the park! ;)
BruceinGa... If you locate the fields using Google maps (Use Satellite View),then "right click" on the map, it will provide you with a pop-up that will allow you an menu option labelled "measure distance". Then click one point, then the next. It takes a bit of getting use to, but you can get a pretty good idea for yourself... Hope this helps.
Thanks H, we used to use Google Earth and do the same thing. I'll give it a try!
Points well taken Bruce! I’ve witnessed some 70-75 year old players run pretty well. They are flat out amazing!
Good luck
Thanks Stick.
We have several on our team that run quite well!

"I'M ONLY AS FAST AS I NEED TO BE" Its all about the "SITUATION" that your in at the time...
Thanks 57!
I did find the dimensions on the conference website.
I believe Yankee figures are incorrect, either yours or mine. I have 308 as LC
Just my humble opinion here...we should all have bat control at this point in our lives...have fun folks, be safe, stay healthy and GOOD LUCK!
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