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Discussion: Rule interpretation; just for fun!!

We had an interesting call this weekend and I'm sure they got it wrong but for all you rule junkies I thought you would find this interesting:
Bases Loaded, No Outs, inning ending 5th Run on 3rd base. Batter hits a ground ball to first baseman, who catches the ball, hesitates for a second (trying to tag the runner on 1st), then decides to step on the bag and throw home. The batter who is running to first is in the runner's lane and gets hit by the thrown ball. The other team contested that the runner has to get out of the way, even though he stayed in the clearly marked lane, and the runner coming home should be called out. The umpire agreed and called it a double play. For the record, I would never complain because the batter made a bigger mistake than the umpire and he never should have put the umps in the position to get involved. ATT Presents: "You make the call" Is he out or did they miss that one?
this same scenario happens often with a runner on 1st who is forced to advance to 2B and is put out and the defense complains that they couldn't make a play at 1st because the runner was in the way... the runner is where he belongs "in the base line" as long as he doesn't interfere by running into the defensive player.. with the B/R advancing to 1st base he also must be on the foul side of the base line the last 30' of the base line to be considered in the running lane.. it is the defenses job to throw over or around an advancing runner if the runner is in the proper lane
This is always a tough call for an umpire to make, doing a one man to make, especially in BJ’s scenario.
In the scenario from Scott if the batter runner is in the running lane he is not out if a throw home is made from first and hits him. Exception being: crashing into fielder, jumping or throwing body, arms, legs to try and deflect the throw.
How I would call it depends on what I see.
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