Disclaimer - I'm not advocated for a rule change here. Message: I have seen a couple of "1-pitch" softball games. They are super interesting! They certainly change the game. The entire game moves faster. It's like the difference between classic chess and bullet chess. What do you think about that format of softball?
"not advocating..." typo...
Our local club has has a 1 pitch tourney every year on Labor Day. Each team pitchs to their own team, just like the name , you only get 1 pitch. Foul it off, your out, rolls it on the ground, your out. Its a fun club tournament once a year playing with club members but definitely would not travel to play it.
There is no way a 1 pitch tournament could work if your pitcher pitched to the other team.
One-pitch tournaments will reduce the amount of teams that will travel to that tournament. There was major 'heartburn' when SSUSA was going to reduce to 4 game guarantees.
AJC I respectfully disagree with the "coach pitch" version. A lifetime ago, I was in the Marine Corps, and we played nothing but 1-pitch. The pitcher was on the opposing team. It was a walk, a hit, or an out. It does move the game faster but as with everything there are trade-offs. More recently, we have to go to 1-pitch due to weather conditions. It seems to solve the scheduling challenges but again there are trade-offs. It puts a lot of undo pressure on the umpires, pitchers, and batters. Also, it tends to get more pitchers injured due to panic swings and no foul balls. I personally do not like it, and I don't think I would travel across the country to play if I had alternatives.
As Scott said, the times we have played "one pitch" the regular opposing pitchers pitched and it worked fine. Each pitch was a walk, a hit, or an out. The game does move along quickly and the pace/format is fun, but might be too extreme for the traditional minded majority of players.
if you have never played in a "1 pitch" tournament, you may be surprised in how much fun you might have. i played 1 pitch in the military also, opposing team pitched and like Scott said, hit it fair and its either a hit or an out, hit it foul its an out, pitch it deep or outside its a walk.
SSUSA typically is on the leading edge of tournament play and maybe you put this in play for the play in or seeding day in one of your tournaments that doesn't have extensive travel involved?
Back in the 80's our Jaycee organization held many 1 pitch invitational tournaments for Church Leagues and also Industrial leagues for fund raisers, typically friday nights and all day saturdays, they were always well attended and players and families in attendance really enjoyed them. Games very seldom went over 30 - 40 minutes. Something to think about.
Thanks for the comments, folks. I'm not advocating for any change in SSUSA play. I just wanted to know what folks thought of the format. In chess, we have classical, which isn't going away. However, we also have rapid and blitz formats as well as the Fischer variation (Chess 960). They are not meant to replace classical. They are just different formats. I understand many folks don't like change. We still have leagues that insist on starting with 0-0 counts, for example. That's ok too.
1 pitch would be a blast I'd love it. It would be funny watching the old guys(65's and up) looking for a walk like they usually do and its called a strike they would actually have to swing the bat no walk fest games.
How about a few 14" tournament there a lot of fun also and use the pick off rules.
Exactly, what an ignorant statement.
NICKNAME36. I like your thinking and yes 1 pitch would be fun and yes it would be a hitters game.
Lets play 14" senior tournaments.
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