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Discussion: e-mail update on bat testing

SSUSA i see the references to an SSUSA email sent out with voluntary bat testing, many favorable responses thanking the association for this additional help for all the players. i have my email listed in my profile but did not receive this email. I live in NC and have not played in any SSUSA sanctioned events, only ISSA/WBSC along the east coast and probably why i did not receive.

If this is listed or available on website, please let me know. Otherwise could someone from SSUSA send via email to me, and thanks. ronfratliffe@outlook.com

RR aka Turning2
have you registered for an SSUSA card? I believe the emails go out to registered players of SSUSA not the website.
I’m registered and also never got it. SSUSA, how about posting it on the web site.

SSUSA - thanks to Nicholas Francois, Communications Director for his prompt reply via email for my request. Thanks again Nic

John028 also a thank you for the suggestion for registering but living on the East Coast we don't have nearly the number of SSUSA events my travel team from NC could attend so i have never seen a need to pay the player registration. We play ISSA/WBSC events within our travel area.

Dbax - I see you are a "card carrying member" and didn't get the email either, i would agree with you and others that with bat testing being such a sensitive issue that posting the entirety of the message on the website would be very beneficial to all that frequent the SSUSA website, registered or not.

This is a very good, first step for the SSUSA to help all players with the concerns that they share with eliminating the "altered" bats and both leveling the playing field and making play safer for everyone at the same time.

I offered a couple of suggestions to Nic in my reply, he said he would push upstream to the powers that be and maybe more "user friendly" steps will be put in place by SSUSA for all players/teams, tournament officials and attendees to enjoy the SSUSA Tournament experience.
T2 ... I asked Nic to send that email to you as a favor ... We routinely send correspondence only to currently registered players ... That's not the same population as people like yourself, for example, who are only registered on this Message Board ... It also does not include lots of registered players who have "opted out" of receiving emails from us ... I don't see that recipient list theory changing anytime soon ...

Dave. Thanks so very much for having Nic reply, I appreciate your courtesy.
I have had an active card and just renewed for 3 years ad never got an email from SSUSA on this or anything else, the only thing i get an email on it the news letter!! i have never got any emails for anything but the news letter ever from SSUSA so i hope they maybe yup date or look at their system to make sure everyone is included in the notifications!!

than you

The email you're asking about is below.
I suggest that you check your account settings to see if you've opted in, or out for notifications.

Bat Testing Correction Notice

Players, Managers & SSUSA Staff:

Senior Softball has been on the forefront of a battle to get altered bats out of the game. We have worked with major senior bat manufacturers and our NTS testing lab in Maryland for 2 years to develop standards and field tests.

We began implementing the testing in July 2024, and have handed out two 10-year suspensions for shaved bats.

While shaved bats are easy to identify, we believe the majority of altered bats have been rolled, not shaved.

To address this issue, Senior Softball USA (SSUSA) requested one of the bat manufacturer’s labs to test newer bats that failed random bat checks and passed tests for bat shaving to determine whether the bats had been rolled to improve performance.

The initial tests by the manufacturer showed 3 of the bats had been rolled.

Senior Softball USA suspended the three players for 10 years. Upon appeal, the suspensions were modified to one year with a 9-year probationary period.

SSUSA was informed this week that the bat-rolling test was flawed.

The suspensions of the three players have been immediately and completely lifted with SSUSA’s apology.

We have contacted our bat-testing lab in Maryland, which tests not only sporting equipment, but also military equipment, and requested that they develop a test to determine whether a bat has been rolled.

The purpose of our bat-testing program is to get the hot bats out of the sport. It is both a fairness and safety issue. But we need to be assured that the bat-rolling test is scientifically accurate.

SSUSA will continue to do random tests during tournaments. Older bats failing the tests will be permanently marked illegal and given back to players. Newer bats will be sent to Sacramento for a second test and, if they fail that test, will be sent for further testing to determine whether they have been altered to improve performance.

In order to help players determine whether their bats meet performance criteria, SSUSA has begun no-harm, no-foul pre-tests at major tournaments. At the recent Tournament of Champions, SSUSA conducted pre-tournament bat tests in which players voluntarily brought bats to be tested. The bats that failed were marked illegal for play and given back to the players with no penalty.

The point of our bat-testing program is not to suspend players. The point is to get the hot bats out of the game.

Terry Hennessy

Chief Executive Officer

Senior Softball USA
Tim McElroy,

Thanks for posted that email, when it was first sent out we were playing in Tampa and I skimmed over it. Now that I've had time to read it, it brings up a few questions.

First, pertaining the part where Terry wrote that "older bats failing testing will be permanently marked Illegal and given back to players. What is considered an older bat and what is the definition of a newer bat? That's a pretty large grey area.

Secondly, as well all know compression testers aren't an exact science but a good start to policing bats. That being said my personal tester is the G4 SSI which also happened to be the same tester our bats were tested with in Vegas one of the multiple times my team was tested. There is a +- 25 lb allowance on the calibration cylinder. How often are the testers being calibrated? We stood in line the first time and watched as 2 teams before us were getting tested and not once was the calibration cylinder put into the machine even after the team before ours had 2 bats fail and were taken and not once did they calibrate the machine for our team either. We had 13 guys with between 3-6 bats a piece. For all 3 team that's well over 100 bats tested without it being calibrated once. The second time we were tested was the same thing not once was the cylinder used to calibrate and again at least 75 bats tested and 2 more failed and were taken. Now that being said with a +-25 of the 350 compression how closely is it being montitored the accuracy of the tester? Could be a big deal if a bat is permanently marked as illegal if and it's really not.

Third, what is the punishment for swinging a bat that has been marked "Illegal"?
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