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Discussion: How many HR can you hit in AAA

and then are they outs or hits

SSUSA Home Run Rules -

Major+ = 10 per team per game, outs thereafter
Major = 5 per team per game, outs thereafter
AAA = 3 per team per game, outs thereafter
AA = 1 per team per game, outs thereafter
Staff, why the big difference between M+ & M and only 2 difference between the other divisions?
From what I see and have read, most M+ teams arent that much better then M teams. With one or two M+ exceptions.
E4/E6, You answered your own question in your last comment ... "with one or two M+ exceptions". That is the exact reason that Major-plus exists, for those one or two teams to have a place to play. You are also correct in saying that there isn't much of a difference in Major and Major-plus. The spring nationals in Florida was a perfect example how Major and Major-plus can join together. Make those one or two M+ exceptions play with a equalizer against Major teams and they will NOT dominate, they will win some but that's fine!
As a "numbers guy", I was an advocate for using only "Prime Numbers" for the HR limits so it would present a little mental challenge for the "numbers guys" each team seems to have if they did the math on how many HR's per inning ... Choosing from 1-3-5-7-11 seemed like a good start to me, but 7 was too math-easy for a seven-inning game, and 11 seemed like a lot! ... We settled on 10 for the Major+, mainly because it was twice the Major limit and might entice some teams to step up to Major+ if their primary motivation was the long ball! ... Just kidding! (sort of)
Staff, This week-end at The Brickyard, one of your directors combined 55AA, 60AA, and 60AAA. When a 60AAA team played a 55AA team, they were allowed 1 homerun. It seems to me that the 5 year difference more than makes up for the difference between AA and AAA. How about some common sense? Thanks.
Dave, I think you know my answer to this one ... It's not that teams don't want to step up to Major+ because of the HR's, it's they don't want to step up because there is no one to play!
lemons - When teams of unequal rating play, in your example 60-AAA vs. 55-AA, the home run rule of the lower rated team is employed. See the 2010 SSUSA Official Rulebook §13.3(8)E at page 81.

There was no equalizer employed because the 55-AA team GIVES an equalizer for younger age and the 60-AAA GIVES an equalizer for higher rating, and they offset. The Directors properly applied the rules in this case.
mmm lets see,not to long ago AA = an out for hr's ; AAA was only 2b for anything over the fence,you guys should be thankful that ssusa has up the limits for ya's
Staff, Thanks. I understand the application and the ruling, I was questioning the rule. The equalizer seems unequal to me. :>)
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