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Discussion: Any texas teams going to georgetown this weekend

looking for a good fielding glove someone might want to sale 13"+

Willing to sell my glove after the tournament, Miken soft glove (but not soft hands) $100.I am the manager of the TX Tornado's, we will be playing seed games on Saturday at 8 & 11:30. Ready on the left, ready on the right, ready on the firing line, lock and load, and let's play some softball.
what kind are you looking for.i have a rodriguez glove 13.5"(retails for $125)would sell for $75.i play for dallas spurs 60's #76.we have a 920 game field 1.
mad dog,
I have seen you play, you don't need a glove.......LOL,
good luck in Georgetown !
Well I don't need the gloves now. I blew out my right achillies in the first game on sat.
but thanks

soup sorry to hear that,are ya done for the year.hey get better if so and come back next year.what team did you play for.
#6 yes you are right.......i'm that good ,LOL.
we ended up 3rd behind the m/m+ team and alamo legends.don't know who won as i had a 4.5 hr drive to get home.
are you guys coming up to dallas for the tx state champs in june.
Bob, The Legends beat us in the "if" game 34-27. They hit the crap out of the ball and just ran us to death. The heat just wore our outfield down (especially me, old guy that I am). Since I only play outfield with this team (I play 1B in League and with the 50s), I don't have my "outfield legs" yet. We've only played twice in 5 weeks. Maybe next weekend in Irving it will be better.
we are not going to irving,to many guys playing in the knights of columbus tourney in austin.was trying to hook on with the 50 team from tyler,but they don't need me,they have 13 going already.
the heat wasn't bad it was the humidity that came with it.i felt drained and we only played 2 on sunday.i'm the same as you for my legs,play SS most of the time,but had 2 OF'ers go down so i moved out there,uugghhh.at least it was only for a couple of games total for me.
My team is , but I can't make it I don't think, will know later.
E-mail me when you can.
otay kenny got it.
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