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Discussion: E-4 E- 6 positive thoughts and prayers

E-4 E-6 Aka John Miller AKA PH oftens posts on this site and will begin his journey through chemo and radiation treatment on November 22 for cancer. He managed to wrangle his way around the system and squeeze in one more softball tourney this weekend in Vegas and plans on returning with a vengence in 6 months or so. You could not ask for a better teammate, a better friend, or a better person than John. I am a strong believer in prayer and will be praying for John and ask that whatever your beliefs may be that you join his fellow OC Mustang teammates and myself to help support John and his loved ones to a quick and complete recovery.
John is the best, bar none.
Identifiable, opinionated
and full of integrity and positivity.
One of the finest guys
I've ever met.
We're all in there with you, John.
Good luck in Vegas.
Talk with you, soon.
John, I do not know you but the best of luck with you upcoming ordeal. You seem like a very strong person and I am sure you will handle this. Play well in Vegas and all the best in 2011. Thanks Harry
I wish him the best in his fight.
We are praying for you man,stay strong.
Only know John from playing against him, he is an extremely compeitive player. Hopefully his competiveness will help him overcome this, stay positive. See you guys in Vegas always have good games with you fellows.
Gary. Last Call
Mike, Hope all goes well for the big guy. Good luck in Vegas,always pulling for the great So Cal teams. Tell John
we'll be thinking about him and our prayers are with him.
John and Pam Sadler
Hey John,
The thoughts and prayers of The Indy 65'as are with you. Just take it a day at a time and in the spring, you'll be back on the field. Mel
Mikey you Dickhead, thank you for being the friend you are!
Joe, Harry,Bruce,Kennard, Gary, John & Pam, and everyone who has read this thread............thank you one and all, you have no idea what your thoughts, prayers and good wishes mean to me.
Our community may argue and disagree, but when the chip are down we are still a strong force.
Thanks again!
Thanks Mel.........
good luck in your treatments john and hope to see ya next year.
Just had my 1st full season after chemo/radiation treatment, there is light at the end of the tunnel! There is life after cancer. I had head and neck cancer, lost use of my throat for over a year. Todays treatments have come a long way. Cancer is just another test of life. You will beat it. Won't kid you, it's not fun, but in time, you'll be able to come back at pretty much the same level you are know. That thought alone will be a powerful motivator. I meet more cancer survivors at almost every tournament. There are several of us here in SoCal, all play very well. Played against another survivor Wed. in Vegas from Mimmisota. Softball has kept us more healthy and gives our body a better chance to beat that damn stuff. Hang in there, focus on your long term goals, treatment is one day at a time. Not all days will be fun days, but remember, THERE IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL. BE PATIENT.
Need to talk, I'm always available.
You will be in our family prayers and will look forward to welcome you back to the playing field.

Having seen t to local friends\players go through the chemo process, I can say this about attitudes and mid sets they had. Both were caught timely, one at first had the dooms day feeling but later changed to positive. Other guy was positive all the way through. Last guy mentioned whisked through it all and is totally free. First guy had a small set back but later also recovered fully and both are playing ball again.
So the light does shine and the mind can work wonders in the processes for that healing.
Stay positive and hang in there.
Easy for me to say because I was only told what they went through, not a first hand experience.
Prayers are with you guys.
BTY both about my age, was prostrate and the other colon I think.
Hey John,

I had to come out of hiding to wish you all the best. I will pray for your complete recovery in this situation. Look forward to seeing you out on the playing field next year. Hang in there and pray that all will be good for you and your family!!

Andy Smith,
Double Edge,
60 Major Plus
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