Home of Senior Softball-USA and Senior Softball World Championships
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Wenatchee Senior Softball League
Wenatchee, WA Greg Alderson  509-423-1775» »Visit website
Teams in league: 12 teams

Welcome to Senior Softball in the Greater Wenatchee Valley Area

Senior softball is an active summer sport for men 50 and older and women 35 and older. Our association serves the greater North Central Washington area. Play starts in April and proceeds through July. There are three divisions available for any skill or comfort level from the competitive to the purely recreational. The league also sponsors and participates in multiple tournaments throughout the season and beyond.  


For more information visit our website www.wensrsoftball.com


Fields of Play:


Walla Walla Point Park - 1351 Walla Walla Ave, Wentachee, WA  98801

Kirby Billingsley Hydro Park - 2 miles south of East Wenatchee on Highway 28

Chelan Ballfields - Kent Field and Rainier Fields - Access to the fields is from Navarre and Bradley Streets.