Home of Senior Softball-USA and Senior Softball World Championships
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SSUSA Approved Bats

Beginning on Jan. 1, 2014, Senior Softball-USA licenses new senior bats and publishes an Approved Bat List for all sanctioned SSUSA Tournaments.

Look for the following approval stamps:

New logo, World Champs logo and old logo for approved bats.



Updated September 4, 2024:


Bats must be marked with the new SSUSA/NTS logo. Older bats must be marked SSUSA approved (or have SSUSA logo), with 1.21 BPF or less.

Anonymous Athletics
Axe Bats

California Bat Company
Dudley Sports
Easton Sports
Elite Sports
Ikonic Sports
Juno Athletics
Louisville Slugger

Miken Sports (except the Original Gray Miken Ultra)
Monsta Athletics
Proton Sports
Pure Sports
 (except Strike Eagle bats)
Short Porch Baseball Company
Suncoast Softball
Worth Sports

Disapproved Bats:

The ‘Monarch’ Bat, decaled black/neon green, manufactured by Sportsmanshop Enterprises Ltd. is NOT APPROVED.

Original Gray Miken Ultra is NOT APPROVED.

Pure Sports:
Strike Eagle Bats are NOT APPROVED. 

Senior Softball-USA
Email: info@SeniorSoftball.com
Phone: (916) 326-5303
Fax: (916) 326-5304
9823 Old Winery Place, Suite 12
Sacramento, CA 95827
Senior Softball-USA is dedicated to informing and uniting the Senior Softball Players of America and the World. Senior Softball-USA sanctions tournaments and championships, registers players, writes the rulebook, publishes Senior Softball-USA News, hosts international softball tours and promotes Senior Softball throughout the world. More than 1.5 million men and women over 40 play Senior Softball in the United States today. »SSUSA History  »Privacy policy

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