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Discussion: Where to get a pitching screen

I have searched high and low for a portable, fold up pitching screen.....our team is looking for the kind that has the snap poles and the netting with the rings that slide up and down the poles and when it is stored, it fits in the base of the unit.....they are about 250 to 300 dollars from what I have heard from the guys.....now the hard part, where can I find them.....thanks
try pitchsafe.net
^^^That site has them...
thanks guys
Any time, you're welcome
I have one my wife got me for x-mas a year ago
the first one someone drills the middle in BP the
screen has paid for itself. You will be happy with the purchase well worth it.


PowerNet I-Screen with Frame and Carry Bag $80 with Prime

Our coach has the pitchsafe net and I have the powernet. The pitchsafe is $300. The powernet is $80 on ebay. The powernet goes up quicker and is lighter than the pitchsafe. Only problem I see with the powernet. You should stake it down. When the ball hits the net, the net will lean backwards toward the pitcher. I don't stake mine down, I just pitch and take a step back. The pitchsafe appears to stay in place better. JMO

Stay Thirsty My Friends
When in doubt use garbage cans, when we would hit at any park or school we would use the steel garbage cans and stack them two high. But we only hit middle after the round. We had enough bat control hitting side to side our first couple rounds, then it was on... Like idiots we actually tried to hit the garbage cans hahahahahah. Man those were the days.
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