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Aug. 12, 2021
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Suncoast Melee Diamond 2021 End load-opinions

Love Suncoast. Going to buy either a 2 piece 2021 Diamond end load or one piece Balanced. Which one will give the most distance. Have the 2017 Melee single, love it but never had a two piece Melee. Opinions? Thanks as always.
May 9, 2021
Topic: Bats
Discussion: UTRIP -senior ?

Need help Guys, was looking to buy a Worth Kreacher when someone told me that they can only be used in UTRIP softball. I'm old and I admit it, but just getting back into tournaments and always used Adidas or Worth bats. Realize that UTRIP is USSSA softball so can I use the Kreacher in SSUSA tournaments that I used to play in? Or should I stay with the Adidas Ruckus? I was thinking of buying both. Sounds silly to some but haven't played tournaments in over 13 years,(pushing 71 but love the game so much I need to back in). Thanks to all in advance, stay young. ("You don't stop playing when you get old-you get old when you stop playing!)
Feb. 13, 2021
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Best 2021 bat for 70+ Seniors

Great comments but did anyone actually answer the question the Gentleman asked? I'd like to know myself. Just getting back into the tournament scene after many years out and also pushing 70. Usually bat 4th so I could use above requested advice. Thanks again and yes, we're still in a deep freeze here in Ct.
Feb. 8, 2020
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Melee Reload 2018/19

Good morning everyone. Playing now in a Senior League which allows senior bats, (previously only played in leagues that use ASA certified bats), and I noticed when going on line to purchase a Melee Reloaded they seem relatively inexpensive, say between $130.00 & $150.00. Is here an issue or a problem with these bats? Thanks to all who respond.
March 19, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: ASA Approved bats

A question for all. Play in a league that only allows ASA Approved bats. Which bat for 2019 provides the most distance. I know that we all here have great experience in the game and I'd rather listen your comments than go on line and read all the adds from the various manufacturers. Of course, opinions differ, but I trust yours more than theirs. Currently swing a Miken End load (26oz) Border Battle. Also, does added weight, (27oz, 28oz), translate into more distance? Thanks for all of the help!
Aug. 19, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: best singlewall bat

Need a little advice. Thinking about joining another senior league. Their info page states no "double wall, multi wall or titanium" bats are allowed. And they must be ASA certified with and ASA label. I have been asking and leaving messages for more info but no response. Have been playing Senior Softball for over 15 years I have acquired many bats. Which kind of bats would you believe they use? Are they suggesting in the rules that this is a singlewall league? And one more question, which is the best singlewall bat for distance, if that's possible? Thanks in advance for your help.
March 13, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: miken Freak Black ASA maxload 2016

Yup, ASA senior league,and yes, we are using the "44" ball. Have to use ASA stamped bats. Looks like the Miken Freak Black Maxload for me, especially if you can hit both balls with it!! Thanks everyone.
March 13, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: miken Freak Black ASA maxload 2016

Thanks everyone. Wondered how they came to that conclusion. Last question: Can you damage a bat that's designed to hit "52" by hitting "44"? (And by the way, snowing here again in New England, 5 to 10 inches! No early practice for now!)
March 13, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: miken Freak Black ASA maxload 2016

I have been told that certain bats are better to use with the "52" ball. Our Ct. senior leagues will only let us use bats that are "ASA" certified, and must contain the ASA stamp on the bat. We are not allowed to use bats without that designation, such as senior bats, (SSUSA, ISA, stamps, etc,) I know of several payers here in Ct. that bought a bat, (ASA stamp), based on the fact that they thought they were going to be using a '52" ball. The bat, in several instances, broke after about 150 swings when hitting the "44"core ball. So I'm just wondering are certain bats designed to hit certain balls or can you use the above mentioned Miken Freak Black Maxload "ASA" 2016 bat, ( which I am considering purchasing), to hit "44" core ball, which I believe our leagues are staying with for at least this year. (Example: some "experts" up here tell me the Miken Freak Platinum, ASA stamp, should only be used on "52" core balls). Thanks again for the help, and helping me negotiate through this very confusing subject.
March 13, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: miken Freak Black ASA maxload 2016

Just a little help here. I have read that certain bats are better at hitting the "52"coreball. Our leagues here in Ct. might be going to this ball. The question I have is can you hit the "44" ball with this bat? Hate to purchase the wrong bat. League still has not decided which ball to use. Which bat is good for the "52" ball and which one for the "44" ball? Thanks in advance, never got bad advice on this Web Site.
Dec. 20, 2017
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Single wall

Thanks everyone. But my league tells me we can't use the Demarini Steel. Ant thoughts on the Anderson Flex?
Dec. 19, 2017
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Single wall

Thinking about joining a senior league where they only allow single wall bats. Haven't used one in years! What's the best single wall ASA bat for distance? Thanks for any help.
July 28, 2017
Topic: Bats
Discussion: mIken border bat

Thanks Alan. Heard up here in New England that many senior leagues are going with the "52" ball next year. Same where you are? Will you be in Fort Meyers in November? Miken's my make, can never go wrong. I'll be calling soon. Thanks for the help.
July 26, 2017
Topic: Bats
Discussion: mIken border bat

Have two 2016 Miken Border Bats. I see where they have come out with a new one. Play ASA senior league and now they are using the "52" ball. Do the new Border Bats give you any better distance with this ball than the older ones? If not, which bat does? Thanks.
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