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Details for the wood

Real name:
Bob Woodroof
San Clemente CA
Men's 65

Messages posted by the wood

April 14, 2016
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Others' Thoughts on the Importance or Merits of 3 Pool Games Prior to Brackets?

My feelings on having 3 (as opposed to 2) seeding games is essentially a function of how many players we have. If we have more than 15 I prefer 3 warm up games... if less than 15, 2 games are better for us... I use the 15 players as an example only... it boils to which 15 we have.
Since we seldom have more than 6 teams in our bracket, an additional warm up game provides more game time...
By allowing the primary starters to rest a game in the prelim round they tend to be fresher in DE... and... it sharpens the non-starters should you need them later.
My thoughts on this matter might change were we to have larger brackets.
Bob Woodroof
April 13, 2016
the wood
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Mikens NEW 12" Patriot senior bat

HR, unless the Patriot has a 1 oz (or greater end load) it isn't likely to be the bat you're seeking.
If you really want a heavier feel, I'd look into the Big Cat, Rocket Launcher or Nightmare (as Bruce stated).
We hit a Miken Max Load demo (26 oz, 1/2 oz end load) and it felt really good even with 1,300+ swings. We bought a 27 oz Max Load production model and it didn't feel the same at all. Part of the problem was/is the defined weight of the end load (1/2 oz). The greater the bat weight, the less impact the 1/2 oz end load makes.
Sold it and bought 26 oz Big Cat (1 full oz end load) and it's a great bat. It has 600+ swings on it and still going strong.
I haven't seen nor hit a Patriot but if it's of the same basic blue print as the Max Load (with shorter barrel) I'll seriously doubt that it will be enough for you.
I have no dog in the fight as I don't sell bats nor am I compensated for my input... I do not have money at risk other than when I buy a bat I don't like.
April 12, 2016
the wood
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Which Batch Is It?

HR, if you're looking for a heavy end load the Adidas isn't the bat for you. Try either the Miken Big Cat (1 full oz) or the Combat Rocket Launcher (1 1/2 oz). I'm guessing that the Adidas end load is in the neighborhood of 1/2 oz (operative word being 'guessing').
I do not have an Adidas bat but I do have several Reeboks (end load). I compared them to the Big Cat and the Combat RL using the table top test. The Reebok was the least end loaded and the RL was/is the most.
Those who have the Adidas bat have been saying that it swings a bit lighter than the Reebok.
I'd consider dropping 1 oz in weight unless you've already used a Big Cat or an RL (if you do buy one of them).
Oct. 2, 2015
the wood
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Bat demos in Vegas

Most of our players have received their new Mikens from Kelly's Ultimate Sports. I must say that I appreciate the extra effort that KUS makes to assure the safety of the bat during shipping... a nice touch indeed.
Sept. 17, 2015
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Makoplasty knee surgery

Has anyone who still plays had makoplasty knee surgery? If so, how do you feel about it?
Bob Woodroof
Sept. 11, 2015
the wood
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Ultra II Black

We have been hitting one of the Miken demos (a 26 oz Max Load) and it does have a lot of good qualities. By the time we hit it there were 650 swings on it... we've put an additional 200 on it and there isn't a scratch on it.
The feel will change from model to model, depending upon what a hitter is seeking between the balanced, end loaded and more severe end loaded versions.
In speaking with Mike Kelly, of Kelly's Ultimate Sports, he's been testing two production models, the balanced and Big Cat (1 oz end load). He said that both opened up at 140 swings or so...
You can view them yourselves...

big cat at

balanced at

As far as pop goes... the demo we used hit about as well as my other bats. The feel and durability would be the new Miken's most salient points, IMO. Recognize that we only hit one version... and it is perhaps an ounce too light for me.
I am not being compensated in any way, shape or form for my comments.
Bob Woodroof
Aug. 18, 2015
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Favorite Baseball Movie

Bull Durham is my favorite as well... but don't forget 'Fear Strikes Out'(about Jimmy Piersall) and Damn Yankees...
But many of you are too young for either of them.
Aug. 17, 2015
the wood
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Dave. need to rebracket San Clemente 65aaa division

I live in San Clemente and have played in this tourney and at this complex. It's a good experience...
There are many good places to eat whether it be fast food or a great meal with ambiance.
Board 'n Brew is a good place for lunch as is Z Pizza... both are located within 2 miles of fields. There are the other franchise types as well... Carl's, Taco Bell, etc.
Riders Club, on Coast Hwy, has a great burger, limited parking though.
If you're looking for something nicer, send me an email @ awtgroupsc@aol.com.
Almost all of the non franchise places have micro brews of many types.
Bob Woodroof
Aug. 13, 2015
the wood
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Dave. need to rebracket San Clemente 65aaa division

Here is the link to Kelly's Ultimate Sports web site...


July 27, 2015
the wood
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Dave. need to rebracket San Clemente 65aaa division

Thanks, Alan, for your advice. This strategy worked well on the Ambush.
July 27, 2015
the wood
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Dave. need to rebracket San Clemente 65aaa division

Hombre, I'd say that you hit the nail exactly on the head. When it comes to Miken I'm not a buyer either. Same promises, different year.
My experience with the Ultra II is pretty much the same as yours.
As Lee Lee said 'a prototype isn't the same as a production model'. How true that is... as with the P:413 model.
I stopped jumping to the 'newest and greatest' a while back. Instead, I wait to see how many guys are using them (and with good results) in tourneys. When it seems like I'm seeing it quite a bit I then look into it.
I did this with Reebok and with Dudley. I was 2-3 years behind the Reebok train because of all of the early breakage. I'm very satisfied with the Melee.
I've heard an awful lot about the Ambush and actually experimented with it... I never used it in a game for the reasons stated above and because it was nowhere near as good as other Combats that I had (Da' Bomb, Dirty and White Centenarian), IMO... and the good folks on Senior Softball Bat Reviews stated the same.
I do read a few random posts on here about guys who are happy with their Ambush. That doesn't seem like a lot of acceptance to me. I just don't see anyone using them.
Alan claims that they're awesome. Now he's saying that the newest, greatest Miken is better than awesome... maybe he's right. I can't say for sure but I do wonder how it can be both better and more durable while still meeting 1.21 specs.
Bob Woodroof

July 9, 2015
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Hall of Fame--Fran

Fran, you truly are deserving. All of the accolades you're receiving are well stated and well earned.
I recall a time when SSUSA wasn't getting the market share it now enjoys. You were the only real bright spot as far as outsiders were concerned. Your personality, consideration and thoughtfulness is what bridged the gap.
When you became Executive Director is when SSUSA began to really flourish.
I'm thrilled to see you receive this recognition.
Bob Woodroof
July 8, 2015
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Simple Hamstring Question

HJ, you've already received some very good input.
If you know someone who can recommend an acupuncturist I'd give it a try. I had a pulled hamstring many years ago that showed signs of internal bleeding. I could barely walk on it.
I went to an acupuncturist who tried to do a deep tissue massage on my hamstring. I couldn't deal with that at all. He then put 8-10 needles into it and connected some of them to an electrical stim for 15 minutes or so. He then was able to perform the muscle massage (75% of normal intensity). Thereafter, we repeated this 2-3 times and I was good to go.
If hamstring injuries aren't taken seriously they become chronic... just like groins. The RICE method and light stretching are the very best things you can do for it.
Good luck...
July 2, 2015
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Waterproof Softball Shoes?

A pair of Boombah turf shoes cost about $45 + shipping + a sponge insole ($3)... so call it $55-60. I'm not totally concerned about the long term health of the shoes as I view them as 'disposable'.
However, in my use of camp Dry over the past 7-8 years I have not noticed any issues with the laces or the upper elements.
But I did fail to research it thoroughly prior to use. I tend to neglect this on items viewed as disposable.
On the other hand, I take great precautions on fielder gloves, bats, etc... as I wish to avoid replacing them... not as much as about cost as it is about time (break in time)... or because they're no longer manufactured.

Extra socks - an old friend of mine told me 35 years ago to keep an extra pair of socks in my bat bag. Putting them on later in the day is like therapy to my feet. If we play 3 or more games I'll probably switch them out.

July 1, 2015
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Waterproof Softball Shoes?

I've been using 'Camp Dry' for many years... on both Boombah turf shoes and assorted cross trainers. It seems to work fine...
I spray it on them as soon as I take them out of the box and then leave them alone for 1-2 days... never have needed to do it again.
June 26, 2015
the wood
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Pool games....???

IMO, sobs3 said it best but I disagree with the automatic home team part... but don't really care how SSUSA, or anyone else, treats that part. I do not believe that being home team is that big of a deal.
We like the seeding games because it allows us to get acclimated as a team, it allows the non-starters to get ABs and defensive time and for other reasons.
In lieu of a 2 game seeding bracket and a potential triple elim DE bracket we'd prefer either a 4 game guarantee (lower entry fee) or a 3 game seeding with DE. The latter would be our first choice. We can live with either of the 3.
USSSA used to offer an immediate DE bracket with losing teams falling into a DE consolation bracket. IMO, nothing could be more meaningless... it's a bit like losing out on the starlet and ending up with your own sister. A triple elim can also produce games like this.
I also feel that whether you call 'heads' or 'tails' do it the same way all of the time (if you want to benefit from law of avgs). But being visitors offers some unspoken advantages, particularly in seeding games.
May 20, 2015
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Ball B.S. In lee county

We have used the Trump Stote 44/375 Optic Yellow ball for 10 years in BP. Everyone knows that the heat does impact its compression, hence the change in performance.
In addition, we have received 1-2 shipments that were totally different than others... i.e. they were sub standard. We used them under the same conditions as the others and there was an obvious disparity. The 'bad ones' had higher seams than the others.
How balls are stored is a factor... but we store the bad with the good...
I am not one who believes that an FHC stamp would cause a ball to react in a different way than one stamped 'SSUSA'. The likely difference could be storage or it could be exactly as previously suggested, there is a difference in product.
Bob Woodroof

May 4, 2015
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Sore Toes

I wear Boombah turf shoes and have had the same problem. I use a Dr Scholl's lightweight insert (very thin foam pad). I cut the insert 3/4-1" short so that my toes are not pressed upwards against the inside top of the toe box.
This has made a huge difference for me.
April 27, 2015
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: What is or what makes a player a major plus player?

Henry Ford said.. 'whether you think you can or you can't, you're right'... or some close variation of this.
M+ ball is more about the space between the ears than it is about the width of the shoulders.
Most guys do not play M+ because they just do not enjoy that level of play because of the pressure that comes with it. That's ok since there are 4 levels to choose from.
But to think that everyone in M+ would be skills contestant is incorrect.
BTW, the 65 M+ winner in 2014 hit zero HRs in final game, 2 HRs in previous one. Power is over rated and it doesn't show up every day, IMO. Smart power beats basic power 90% of the time.
April 27, 2015
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Major plus problem

Kevin, might I suggest you find an older map... perhaps pre-1776 will work. Quite frankly, I never thought of that being an issue... it doesn't seem fair.
Not all of us (Left Coasters) are complaining... just a few.
Our team has the opposite problem... hardly any of us can play leagues together because of the distance.
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