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Details for IDon'tKnow 3rdBase

Real name:
John Parisi

Centennial, CO

Men's 65

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May 24, 2020
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Softball Thoughts to Share and Add

As I sit at home this Memorial weekend, my thoughts about playing softball stay amplified. It has been 25 years since I had a season without playing in leagues and tournaments and 50 of the last 59 years. There is so much more to the game besides winning and losing. Don’t get me wrong, winning is most rewarding and losing is very difficult. Winning I remember forever and losing I tend to forget over time. The feelings I have playing the game, especially now as a senior, keeps me motivated to continue to improve myself even as age and health robs me of what I was back when. Why is that?
I always want to do my best and be my best for myself and teammates. I miss the positives, high fives, fist pumps and other forms of recognition that happens on the spot and after. I have received more positives from my teammates after an important hit or fielding play than I would get saving the company at work a hundred thousand dollars.
Remember Monty Python, Life of Brian, “Always look on the bright side of life”. All players on the field are supportive and positive in their approach to other teams and most players. As much as I want to win and the other team to lose, the players are all worthy of positives for plays well done. In business, I read it takes 40 positive customer experiences to make up for a single bad review. The reverse is truer in softball. One positive response far outweighs a negative experience. By human nature, we capture the positives and let go the negatives. Why, I don’t know, but I can recall many positives and have blocked out many negatives. It is a good feeling to be on the plus side of life.
We want the best equipment – bats, gloves, shoes, etc. – to have an advantage and be at our best. Why do we look at our glove after not making a play or our bat after not getting a solid hit? We don’t want anything to limit our success on the field.
I grew up having baseball and football heroes, wishing I could share and feel what they have, to be like them. I never came close. Softball games, especially tournament play, are the closest I will ever get. When it happens occasionally, I am on cloud nine. I can never get enough of that feeling. I cherish the opportunities to be one of the heroes and to produce for our team. I admit it is addictive, but it feels so good.

Please comment with your thoughts to share.
April 30, 2020
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: New Virus-Regulations

I believe SSUSA has done well to control or lessen the possibility of getting infected on the field of play. It is up to the managers and players to establish best safety practices with transportation, lodging and meals during the trip.That begins with only non-symptomatic people allowed to go with the team or be on the fields, no exceptions. The responsibility lies with the team and their fans and players. if there was a Covid19 immediate-results-scanning-option, that would be great, but there isn't. It is up to us to be smart, be safe, and have fun with the game we love, even with the adjustments. Each player needs to make their own decision. If you intend to play, follow the safe rules, protect yourself and others. It is a team sport.
April 14, 2020
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Proper senior bat weight as we age

Thanks guys. I think my control is good with a 27 or 27.5 EL Miss hits come from inconsistent mechanics or pitch selection, which are most frustrating. I think I'll test other guys bat weights, but purchase bat weight I currently have the most comfort and confidence.
April 13, 2020
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Proper senior bat weight as we age

I hit to all fields, going with the pitch for maximum power. I rarely hit a home run and consider myself a gap hitter. Therefore, I want to get maximum velocity I can get with a line drive. So theoretically should I go with a lighter or heavier bat. I have a pocket radar to measure ball speed off the bat but I am sure it comes down to bat speed with bat weight. Then endload versus balanced.
April 12, 2020
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Proper senior bat weight as we age

I saw on the internet older senior players actually prefer heavier bats. The reasoning is younger seniors have greater bat speed that benefits the lighter 26 or 25 oz. bats. Older senior's bat speed lessens over time so the bat speed isn't much different with a 26, 28 or even 30 oz. bat. Also, they have more control with a heavier bat. Therefore, 65+ seniors should hit a heavier bat for mass advantage as long as bat control and bat speed is good. Sounds counter intuitive to me but I plan to purchase a couple of bats and thinking of adding some bat weight. Currently I swing a 27 or 27.5 oz. endload. Please reply with your thoughts and suggestions.
Jan. 17, 2020
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: New Scrap Iron 70s AA team out of Colorado forming

Players from adjacent states to Colorado are acceptable.
Jan. 17, 2020
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: New Scrap Iron 70s AA team out of Colorado forming

Still looking for some players for a Colorado based 70 AA team to play 6-8 tournaments in 2020.
Dec. 9, 2019
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: New Scrap Iron 70s AA team out of Colorado forming

Building a 70s AA team for 2020. Have 8 players and need 5 to 7 more to play 6-8 tournaments in 2020. Players in Colorado states adjacent are in consideration.
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