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Real name:
Bill johnson

The Villages, FL


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Sept. 17, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Rule interpretation; just for fun!!

this same scenario happens often with a runner on 1st who is forced to advance to 2B and is put out and the defense complains that they couldn't make a play at 1st because the runner was in the way... the runner is where he belongs "in the base line" as long as he doesn't interfere by running into the defensive player.. with the B/R advancing to 1st base he also must be on the foul side of the base line the last 30' of the base line to be considered in the running lane.. it is the defenses job to throw over or around an advancing runner if the runner is in the proper lane
Sept. 15, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Question about a rule

the player can be removed but he will be declared out and the runner at 2nd will be the previous batter of the last batter ... the reason for no subs in that case is because if he was a slow runner he would ALWAYS seem to be injured
Sept. 3, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Walked batter not touching 1st base

Larry.. 1 other thing on runners not advancing.. if the runner on 1st didn't advance to 2B and abandoned the bag and entered the dugout he would be called out and the 5th run would still score "IF" his out was not the 3rd out of the inning
Sept. 3, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Walked batter not touching 1st base

Larry.. once the B/R enters the dugout he has been determined to have abandoned his base running duties and should be called out immediately and all runners are to be returned to the base they were on prior to the walk
Aug. 27, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batted ball that is "kicked" intentionally

Chili.. there is no penalty for kicking the ball to stop it or kicking it to another player.. unless they were to purposely kick it out of play
Aug. 8, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Catcher verbal obstruction

ICR.. there is no specific rule covering this but in your ex.1 I would immediately call time give the catcher a warning for verbal interference and since the ball was fair I would award the batter as many bases as in my judgement he could have made ..
#2 again I would give the catcher a warning tell the batter the correct count and if the catcher continues with his antics I would eject him for unsportsmanlike conduct
July 28, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Ruling

DJ12.. this type of appeal can be a live ball or a dead ball appeal.. the defense has to make a verbal appeal that the runner missed the base by either naming the base or touching the base during the appeal
July 24, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Rule covering runner touching base

Rob64.. The only time a runner doesn't have to touch/cross the scoring line or touch the scoring plate to score a run is if he is tagged by a defensive player after crossing the committment line.. if this happens the umpire should call the runner safe and the runner can immediately go to the dugout
July 19, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous

DD.. THX.. BUT it's a little early in the morning especially for you on the west coast to be drinking.. lol
July 19, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous

yankeefan.. part of your last post is correct (old senior)and I hope to be able to keep saying that for many more years .. and no need for the rule book I've been umpiring and giving umpire clinics for the biggest senior softball program in the country for senior softball over 20 yrs. .. my next clinic is in late Aug. hope you can make it
July 18, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous

oooops for got time out calls

July 18, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous

yankeefan.. 2 things.. if the batter has 2 strikes on him and the on deck batter calls out illegal and you don't swing but the HP umpire does not judge the pitch to be illegal and it hits the strike mat.. have a nice walk back to your dugout.. 2) the right arm of an umpire should only be raised for strikes calls, out calls, foul balls and for safe calls and never for telling a player he is #1 .. lol
July 17, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous

an illegal pitch should be called loud enough for the batter and catcher to hear.. also the LEFT arm should be raised to the side about chest high
June 19, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Rule Question

Rob 64.. 1st if the defense blocks a runners path and he isn't making a play on a batted ball it would be called Obstruction not fielding interference.. 2nd I made a call of OBS just last month on a 2Bman who was given an oppurtunity by the runner to field a ground ball.. the runner was running a few feet behind the fielder but then the 2bman booted the ball and then he dove backwards into the runner try to retrieve the ball knocking him over..
I immediately signaled and called OBS and when the fielder tagged the runner after picking up the ball .. I awarded him 2b.. I explained to the defenses Mgr. that a runner has to allow a fielder the oppurtunity to make a catch which the runner did.. it's not the runners fault that the fielder booted the ball.. same as with a play at 1st if the 3bman made a good throw then the runner may have been out .. but by making a bad throw and pulling the 1Bman into the runners path if in my judgement the runner would have been safe at 1st had he not stopped to avoid the collision I would have OBS and award him the base... again this is umpire judgment
June 12, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Rule Question

this is a tough call and not seeing the actual play if in my judgement the runner would have been safe had the 1B not blocked his path I would have obstruction and call the runner safe .. the runner has to let a fielder have a path to field a batted ball but a bad throw is different.. the runner should still try to avoid a collision but he is not in jeopardy of being called for interference
June 12, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Safe at first?

one other thing an umpire must judge if the 1B had done it correctly and touched the runner 1st then the bag is whether the 1st baseman intentionally let the ball drop to try to turn a double play..

When an infielder intentionally drops, or lets drop, a fair fly ball, including a line drive, that can be caught with ordinary effort with first base only, or first base and any other base(s) occupied, with less than two outs. A trapped ball shall not be considered as having been intentionally dropped. EFFECT: The ball is dead, the batter-runner is out and each runner shall return to the base occupied at the time of the pitch
June 6, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game

curtis.. you need to re-read the C/R rule.. it says that A courtesy runner may enter the game ONLY PRIOR TO THE FIRST PITCH TO ANY BATTER.. it also states THE UMPIRE IS TO PREVENT ENTRY of a CR during an at bat.. so it is not considered coaching it's part of the rule

May 23, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Back Foot in Front of the Mat

DD… I hate putting this in writing because now there will be a record of it, but I totally agree with you.. it’s also scary when you use the word sanity…. Lol
May 6, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rule understanding

1 last thing since this is about scoring the 5th run with less than 2 outs.. IF the runner that is forced to advance to the next base is the B/R and he enters the team area/dugout before touching 1st base he should be called out immediately without appeal and ALL RUNNERS are returned to their base they were on before the last pitch
April 24, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batting Box rule change Left handed player called out correctly, entirely within the box

Rangeview.. I'm not 100% certain with the rule change but with the old rule an umpire could not allow the pitcher to pitch unless the batter was legally in the batters box.. so I would "assume" that if a batter set up illegally in front of the strike mat that the umpire would have to correct him before a pitch is allowed
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