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Messages posted by stick8

Dec. 4, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: You make the call

FF, some of the major league rules are a bit different.
Did you know an umpire can eject another umpire from the game?
Dec. 3, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: You make the call

BJ, One Nation has the same rule you referenced. I
posed this to my UIC and according to him any outs during the play count. It’s the same in ssusa as Donna stated earlier. You are correct that the rule book should be more specific on this.
Gamer23, you are 100% correct.
Dec. 3, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: You make the call

From what I gather it appears most of the softball associations have the same or similar rule on this, as does high school baseball.
Believe it or not I’m told Major League Baseball is different. All runners go back to the base they were at at the time of the pitch. Any outs or runs scored are negated. The proper batter is called out and the next batter is up. In my scenario above it would be bases loaded with 1 out.
Let’s say a runner is on first with no outs, improper batter comes up and hits into a double play. Manager comes out and protests team bating out of order. MLB rules state runner would go back to first and the proper batter would be called out. Instead of a double play they’d only get 1 out!!!
Nov. 30, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: You make the call

Titan and BJ are correct!!
Nov. 29, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: You make the call

This happened to me in a high school baseball game back in the spring this year.
Bases loaded no outs
Batter hits one hopper to third
Third baseman throws to second for 1
Relay to first batter runner is safe
Play is over. One run in, one out, runners on 1st and 3rd
Or is the play over? Manager of defensive team comes out right away and claims runner on first batted out of order. We checked the official book and indeed he did bat out of order.
How would you rule on this?
Nov. 29, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Bases loaded, less than 2 outs

Dave you might be right if this happened in a senior league. This actually was a men’s league, there’s no commit line.
As BJ correctly confirmed, the result of the play was one out.

Nov. 25, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Bases loaded, less than 2 outs

1) Runner going from second to third is OUT. Runner that was on third that never left the bag is not out. Looks like bases loaded, two outs.
2) Double play, inning over
Heres one I had several years ago. Men’s league
Bases loaded no outs.
Batter hits grounder to third.
Third baseman fields the ball, steps on third and throws home
Catcher catches the throw steps on home and throws back to third
Third baseman tags the runner going from second to third.
They think they have a triple play. Are they correct?

Sept. 19, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Rule interpretation; just for fun!!

This is always a tough call for an umpire to make, doing a one man to make, especially in BJ’s scenario.
In the scenario from Scott if the batter runner is in the running lane he is not out if a throw home is made from first and hits him. Exception being: crashing into fielder, jumping or throwing body, arms, legs to try and deflect the throw.
How I would call it depends on what I see.
Sept. 15, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Question about a rule

In extra innings if the proper runner cannot start the inning at second base due to injury he cannot get a substitute or courtesy runner. If he is unable to run due to injury it’s an out and the previous batter starts at second base.
Sept. 10, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: BLD dimensions

Points well taken Bruce! I’ve witnessed some 70-75 year old players run pretty well. They are flat out amazing!
Good luck
Sept. 10, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: BLD dimensions

When playing at BLD in Vegas you end up playing what is called “wall ball”
Since fences are shorter it’s how outfielders play balls hit off the wall.
Aug. 14, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batter Box Rule

To answer your question: Yes
Pitch must hit the rectangular mat (35”L x 21”W) within the 5ft -10ft from the ground pitching arc to be a strike. This includes home plate.
SPA does this but I’m not certain if One Nation has a home plate marked out or painted on the mat or not.
It might depend on what’s available!!

Aug. 12, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batter Box Rule

Dave does ssusa allow the batter to drag the foot in front of the line?
Aug. 12, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batter Box Rule

I ump for One Nation and we have a similar rule. Back foot cannot be in front of the front edge of home plate when making contact. They can drag the back foot however.
I’ve called a few outs on these. Even if it’s a foul ball it’s still an out.
Aug. 8, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Catcher verbal obstruction

I once had a catcher keep calling time out on this one particular batter when the pitch was in the air. The batter swung at the pitch and flew out. After the play was over I called verbal interference on the catcher and he was warned. Do it again and your out if the game.
In USSSA and One Nation the batter has the option of taking the result of the play or a do over.
The batter obviously took a do over and hit a hr.
Three innings later the same catcher did it again. I tossed him.
Don’t understand the mentality some of these young guys.

July 19, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous

JohnO28, I’m referring to ssusa. If the pitch is above or below the arc limit umpire puts left arm out and yells out “illegal”. In fact, those that know can correct me but I’m pretty certain that’s across all associations of senior softball.
July 10, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous

Left arm out. Yell out “illegal” while pitch is in tne air. If the batter swings at it then it’s game on.
May 31, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Home team advantage

The primary reason is it’s a reward for the undefeated team.
The origin of the rule was adopted approximately 10-15 years ago by usssa. (to my knowledge)
Back then Resmondo was dominating the men’s major so the intent of putting in the rule was by being designated home team for the championship game they wouldn’t get the chance to score 25 runs before the other team gets to bat —putting them in such a hole they couldn’t catch up. The task of being down and knowing you have to beat them twice was a bit daunting. We called it “the Resmondo rule”
Not sure about other associations but today in one nation and usssa it’s the rule for all levels-as in certain senior ball associations.
And bnelson is correct, if it goes to the “if game”, coin toss.

April 24, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Gem City Results

I can give you 65 major results and 60 AAA results
60 AAA
1) Steel City A’s
65 Major
1) Brann Steakhouse
2) Motown Starts
Note: The two divisions were combined with Steel City A’s being undefeated in both play-in and bracket play.
Very good team!!
Feb. 25, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Double play or force out?

Definitely a double play. DD is correct, a base is not a safe haven when the runner is required to advance. Runner at third is forced out and the runner going to third from second is forced out.
Had a similar play last summer umpiring a class D men’s tournament. The runner thought the defense has to touch the next bag for him to be forced out. The ignorance of some people is amazing.
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