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Messages posted by stick8

July 19, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous

JohnO28, I’m referring to ssusa. If the pitch is above or below the arc limit umpire puts left arm out and yells out “illegal”. In fact, those that know can correct me but I’m pretty certain that’s across all associations of senior softball.
July 10, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous

Left arm out. Yell out “illegal” while pitch is in tne air. If the batter swings at it then it’s game on.
May 31, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Home team advantage

The primary reason is it’s a reward for the undefeated team.
The origin of the rule was adopted approximately 10-15 years ago by usssa. (to my knowledge)
Back then Resmondo was dominating the men’s major so the intent of putting in the rule was by being designated home team for the championship game they wouldn’t get the chance to score 25 runs before the other team gets to bat —putting them in such a hole they couldn’t catch up. The task of being down and knowing you have to beat them twice was a bit daunting. We called it “the Resmondo rule”
Not sure about other associations but today in one nation and usssa it’s the rule for all levels-as in certain senior ball associations.
And bnelson is correct, if it goes to the “if game”, coin toss.

April 24, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Gem City Results

I can give you 65 major results and 60 AAA results
60 AAA
1) Steel City A’s
65 Major
1) Brann Steakhouse
2) Motown Starts
Note: The two divisions were combined with Steel City A’s being undefeated in both play-in and bracket play.
Very good team!!
Feb. 25, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Double play or force out?

Definitely a double play. DD is correct, a base is not a safe haven when the runner is required to advance. Runner at third is forced out and the runner going to third from second is forced out.
Had a similar play last summer umpiring a class D men’s tournament. The runner thought the defense has to touch the next bag for him to be forced out. The ignorance of some people is amazing.
Feb. 15, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batters Box Rule Change

Essentially this is the same rule we use in One Nation. We do allow the batter to drag the toe on his back foot in front of the front edge of home plate upon contact. What One Nation wanted to achieve was try and eliminate batters running up in the box and hitting.
And if your back foot is beyond the edge of home plate when making contact and you hit a foul ball it’s not a foul ball, it’s an out!!!
Dec. 13, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: What's the rile

BJ as usual you’re correct. That especially bodes true if you’re on base. That blinding speed you have you’d easily score from third. 😀
Happy holidays to you and yours!
Dec. 11, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: What's the rile

Oops correction, shortstop caught in foul territory.
Dec. 11, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: What's the rile

Mad Dog I must disagree. Last tournament I played we had bases loaded with one out ( I was on first). Count on batter was 2-2 ( start with 1-1 with foul to waste) with a foul to waste. He hit pop up behind third which the shortstop caught in fair territory. That’s a foul out, not a third strike.
Dec. 10, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: What's the rile

Unless it’s changed SSUSA rules stipulate if a foul tip goes over the batters head and is caught by the catcher it’s an out. If a foul tip is below the batters head and is caught by the catcher it’s a strike—not an out unless it’s a third strike.
BJ is the go to guy on SSUSA rules.
In young mans USA and One Nation (which i umpire) a foul tip either below or above the head caught in the air by the catcher is an out no matter the count.
If the scenario in the first post were playing SSUSA rules that would be the batters waste.
Aug. 25, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Does the run count?

T2 your explanation regarding the described scenario in the first post would be correct if the batter-runner missed first base and the defense appealed it. Keep in mind the batter-runner is not required to go to second, he could have chosen to stay at first.
Here’s one I had this past Monday:
Runners at 1st and 3rd, 1 out.
Batter hits a fly ball to left, fairly deep. Left fielder catches it for the 2nd out.
Runner at third tags and scores. Runner at first thought there were 2 outs and was running to second without tagging.
Throw comes into second and they throw to first to double up the runner at first who never tagged.
Runner at third crossed the plate before the 3rd out was recorded at first,
Does the run count?

Aug. 22, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Does the run count?

Masons Grandpa is correct.
Run scores
Aug. 3, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Intentionally Dropped Fly Ball or Line Drive

Ruling as posted by Donna is correct.
In young man’s ball we call it making a travesty of the game. Being from Michigan we’d say “making a traverse city of the game” 😀
July 27, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: No tag call

Like BJ, I would also verbalize a safe or out call on the described play. Another thing I would look for is the runner going out of the baseline. It doesn’t take much to do that.
May 18, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Potential interference

Although I’d have to see this play to make a definitive call but if it’s as described in the first post I have interference on that runner. Dead ball, that runner is out and the runner closest to home is out. Double play, inning over.
If it was legal for a baserunner to throw his or her hands up like that to interfere with a throw I would think that would be a common occurrence nearly everywhere.
May 10, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Courtesy Runner

Yogi08, short answer is yes a runner can refuse a courtesy runner. I actually did it once. I was on second as the 7th run of the inning (we were major plus). Being that it was hot that day our coach thought I may have been tired. When the guy came out to run I told him “no way, I got this” Batter got a base hit and I scored easily. It
April 30, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Senior Softball: A hitter's game?

Webbie I’m very familiar with that LD team, they’re from my area!! Very opportunistic team and very strong players who not only could hit but play d as well. They almost never beat themselves. Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. The missed play at first you refer to clearly illustrates that!!
When losing a hard fought, close game you can always pinpoint a play or two that likely made the difference between winning and losing by a run.

April 29, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 2 Person Umpiring Position

NYGYY, that’s a standard baseball position.
Call it a hunch but I suspect that umpire also does baseball.
I agree with BJ, it’s much too dangerous to be standing on the inside in softball.
April 25, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Senior Softball: A hitter's game?

I’m a firm believer in offense wins you games and defense wins you championships. Teams need both. Having some bounces go your way, an umpire call or two go your way and plain ole Lady Luck doesn’t hurt.
Bruce here’s what I’d do with that .720 obp, errors, missed cut offs which allow those runs.
He’d be an ah or catcher.

April 18, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Slap hit

If you break your wrist guess what? You’re going to a hospital and you’re on the sidelines for several weeks.
Yes the batter cannot chop. Dead ball out
The batter must follow thru on his/her swing. There is no rule that says it has to be a certain speed. It can be a slow speed follow thru.
The batter cannot stop his/her swing, I consider that a bunt.
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