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Details for Skate

Real name:
Albert Pesqueira
Tucson AZ
Men's 60

Messages posted by Skate

Oct. 8, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 2019 schedule

DaveDowell, any idea when the new team ratings for the 2019 season will be announced? It’s difficult to build a roster for the Wknter World’s in Phoenix when we don’t know our rating (AAA or Major).

Rocco’s 65’s
Sept. 29, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: World Masters 65 AAA Results (Unofficial)

1. Rezults Realty LV
2. Rocco’s, Tucson, AZ
3. Dallas Spurs
4. AZ Sidewinders
Sept. 14, 2018
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for team for vegas

Bixel, are you an outfielder rated 70 AAA? If yes and you’re interested in playing in 65 AAA in Las Vegas World’s, contact me.

Al “Skate” Pesqueira
Cell 928-276-2001
Rocco’s 65’s
Sept. 14, 2018
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking to join a 65AAA or 70AAA for Las Vegas

Thanks Nancy.
Sept. 14, 2018
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking to join a 65AAA or 70AAA for Las Vegas

I saw Larry’s post but what we really need is an outfielder 70 AAA.
Sept. 13, 2018
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking to join a 65AAA or 70AAA for Las Vegas

Any of your 70 AAA team mates interested in playing in LV at the World Master Tournament September 24, 25, 26, and 27th? Our team is Rocco’s 65’s AAA and we need an outfielder but must be a 70 AAA.

Al Pesqueira
Rocco’s 65’s
Sept. 12, 2018
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Rocco’s 65’s AAA looking for outfielder(s)

If you’re an outfielder that has above average speed and can hit, Rocco’s 65’s AAA could use you for the upcoming World Masters Tournament in Las Vegas on September 24, 25, 26, and 27th.

You must be a 70 AAA or 65 AA rated player. If interested, contact:

Al “Skate” Pesqueira
Cell - 928-276-2001

Thank you.
Nov. 15, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Tucson Senior Softball Tournament - December 3 and 4th, 2016

We still have openings:

Tucson Senior Softball League''s 6th Annual Memorial Holiday Classic
Tucson Lincoln Park, 4325 South Pantano Road (8 fields)
Fee - $325

For additional info call (ASAP) by November 19th, 2016.

Call Frank Coronado 520-331-2011 or Al "Skate" Pesqueira - 928-276-2001

Thank you,

Feb. 3, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Passing of Steve Marshall, Rocco's 60's

Yesterday, February 3, 2016, Steve Marshall, our teammate w/ the Rocco's 60's, passed away in Tucson, AZ. Steve was a valuable player on our team and you could hear his constant "chatter" during our games attempting to inspire us to win. Steve was 66 years young and he will be missed by all who knew him. Our sincere condolences to his family, teammates, and friends. RIP buddy.

Al "Skate" Pesqueira
Coach - Rocco's 60's
Sept. 19, 2015
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: World Schedule Mistake

Thanks for clarifying -
Sept. 19, 2015
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: World Schedule Mistake

Reference the 60 AAA Schedule

39 Teams Total (divided into two divisions - American & National)

National league teams have 20 teams & American League has 19 teams in Round Robin

The Brackets after the Round Robin has American League w/ 20 teams listed and the National league brackets list 19 teams.

The number of teams in the Round Robin vs Brackets don't match - they're in reverse.

Al "Skate" Pesqueira
Rocco's 60's Coach

Sept. 14, 2015
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: December 5th & 6th Tournament - Tucson, AZ

The Tucson Senior Softball League is having our annual December Tournament in Tucson, AZ @ Lincoln Park Fields (8 fields, Pantano Rd & Escalante east of Santa Rita High School). Anyone interested can call or email me for further details about our tournament - $300. We typically limit our tournament to 30 teams.


Al "Skate" Pesqueira
Tucson Senior Softball League

Cell - 928-276-2001
Email - imsk8ny@aol.com
April 3, 2015
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: George Mccellan Southern Az. legend gone

Very sorry to hear of the passing of George McCellan. He was a great competitor and a nice person that everyone liked. On behalf of the Tucson Senior Softball League (TSSL), I would like to offer our condolences to George's family, friends, and teammates. May he RIP.

Al "Skate" Pesqueira
President of TSSL
April 23, 2014
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Rocco's AAA 60 needs 2-3 players for Vegas

Thanks folks for the interest and I picked up 2 Major players - I'm good.

Rocco's 60's