SSUSA Message Board
Discussion: preferred method to clean "tacky" bats
I'm curious about the preferred methods to clean and maintain the tackiness of tacky bats
As a Suncoast player rep, I use Clorox wipes to clean the Suncoast bats. Then just leave the barrel to dry after you wipe down all the ball marks and clean it up. The stick will come back like you just peeled off the wrapper on Day 1. Good luck to you.
Mahalo for the update! Aloha, Fabe
I can also vouch for the clorox (or similar alcohol) wipes - they did bring the tacky substance back, while cleaning the bat off too. Definitely helped.
I use Dawn dishwashing soap and a scrubby pad...don't go crazy but the combination works good....wet, scrub, rinse, air dry
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