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Discussion: 50 Major Plus bracket issue

It's a disservice to bring back 8 off the 14 teams to the final day. 6 of the 8 teams would have to play 6 games to win it. That's basically impossible at this level. I know, the easy solution is just don't lose. There should have been another round of games for everyone Friday night. That would bring back 6 teams and possibly let someone in the losers bracket have a chance of coming back. I know SSUSA has a field restriction at our complex and can't have games after
3:00ish, but that shouldn't be our problem. Most of us at the Major Plus level are still super competitive and love playing at the highest level. Most of us could care less if where we play. It doesn't need to be in Vegas. I know our 14 out of 129 teams in the 50's don't really mean much, but I wish it did. Anyway, can't wait to compete in this tourney.
I suspect you may not be fully up to speed on how the 50-Major+ Division comes together every year ... Here are some things to consider, and I would be happy to hear your suggested solution ...

• Nearly 50% of the teams in the 50-Major+ Division specifically requested to play only at Arroyo Grande;
• The City of Henderson does not allow us to schedule games at Arroyo Grande on weekdays after 2:00 PM because they will not allow our tournament to interfere with their Local Leagues;
• Big League Dreams generously made the Friday nights in Sessions #1 and #2 available to us, but their Local Leagues require access on all three Thursday and two of the three Fridays to accommodate their Local Leagues;
• Clark County does not allow us to schedule games at Sunset Park #11-14 on weekdays after 2:00 PM because they will not allow our tournament to interfere with their Local Leagues;
• We have concluded that Sunset Park Fields #5-6 are dangerously unplayable because Clark County has surrendered to the gophers there and to the environmentalists who oppose using either the effective gopher poisons, or hiring Bill Murray to solve the issue;
• The City of Henderson will not allow us to schedule games at Russell Road on weekdays after 2:00 PM because they will not allow our tournament to interfere with their Local Leagues ... They also will not allow Major+ to play there because of the hazard HR balls cause to traffic on Russell Rd.;
• The majority of Major+ teams that comment on topic prefer NOT to be assigned to play at Big League Dreams;
• The majority of 50-Major+ teams expressed a strong preference to conclude the tournament in three days (request granted) so we loaded up on Saturday;
• The 41-team 50-Major division (Seven fields @ Shadow Rock and Hollywood Parks) and the 66-team 50-AAA division (14 fields, with six at B.L.D., and four each at Cheyenne and Desert Breeze Parks) require the fields where we can play late and in large numbers ... Both of those divisions have their "If" games scheduled for 5:00 PM Sunday ...
• The rest of the Fields inventory is comprised of three sub-standard fields at Warm Springs and two Major+ inappropriate fields in Boulder City ...

We have determined that there is likely only one viable solution to your complaint: We wouldn't have to take eight teams to Championship Day if Championship Day is Sunday instead of Saturday ... We welcome your thoughts ... Thanks! ...

I'm glad to see you post this, Dave. So many do not understand all the restrictions you have put on you by Las Vegas. By the way, Bill Murray is a good friend of mine. We play golf together in the flower gardens. I also can hit a 9 iron 300 yards and it's "IN THE HOLE'.
I am wondering if any consideration has been given to moving this entire tournament back to Phoenix? I know everyone loves going to Vegas, but my impression is that there are more fields (in better condition) in the Phoenix area than there are in Vegas. If I am wrong there someone can let me know.

I know it used to be in Phoenix and I remember a large selection of good quality fields. I haven't played in Phoenix in 10 years so maybe things have changed. But I wonder if this should be considered?
NYTX ... There are no current plans to move the World's back to Phoenix, although we agree that the Phoenix area has outstanding and numerous facilities, most of which we use for the annual Winter World Championships ...

To give you some perspective on how things change, the last time we played the World Championships in Arizona was 2011 ... That year, we set tournament records with 337 teams playing a potential 1,153 games ... This year in Las Vegas, those numbers are 651 teams and a potential 2,095 games ... I'm personally surprised that both of those numbers are almost double the final year in Phoenix ... Times do, indeed, change! ... Good luck this weekend! ...

IMO Worlds must be in a location that accommodate the players and their supporters. The main knock I hear is the fields. Any organization is at the mercy of the city in which the tournament is held for the condition(s) and use of the fields.

A few points to consider:
The temps in Phoenix are still in the 100s.

Because of the size of the tournament, it is already stretched over 17 day period, which is actually more for the staff and vendors.

To utilize only the best fields in any location; the tournament period would need to double+ in length. People already complain about the 3 day tourney extending to 4 days.

Vegas does offer ample entertainment and eating choices for everyone coming to the tourney.

There is no perfect venue or location, but Vegas seems to be the best overall.

SSUSA does a great job of providing this end of season experience for us to measure our team and ourselves against the best in the world.

BTW, I don't gamble, I am not a foodie(I do love eating though), and because I am a trophy husband(wife still works), Worlds is the tourney wife gets to come.

Mike Adair
Scorpion 70s
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