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Discussion: Bart Limas
My name is Danny Thomas the coach/manager of CANVAZ Softball team here in California. One of my players came back from vacation and his wife was not feeling well. They went to the doctor, and she was diagnosed with cancer. I have set up a GoFundMe page on Facebook to help his family out. Bart was an Elite rep here in SoCal for a long time. He is well known throughout the softball community and in other states. as he would travel to set up his trailer. my name on FB is Danny Thomas friend request me and the link will be there.
Here is the link:
Please spread the word and thank you,
Danny Thomas
CANVAZ Softball Team
Ok gentlemen I have dates set up for our HR Derby and Softball fundraiser in Hemet Ca for Barts family. I need everyone's participation please to pull this off. I will be making a flyer and posting it here so the word gets out to all senior teams. It will be a blind draw to pick the teams at $35 a player. HR derby champ will be receiving at bat donated from elite and team champions first place will be getting jerseys from elite. More to come. Please pass on to you coaches, players and family members. We need to make this a successful benefit for the Limas family.
Diamond Valley Sports Complex
Hemet Ca
Jan 27-28 and
Feb 10-11
Put the dates on your calendar please
Danny Thomas
CANVAZ Softball
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