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Discussion: Softball bata
Does anyone know of a bat that would swing similar to the old two piece Adidas Melee 2 (red) bat. I’ve been using this bat for a long time and now it finally broke. I’m 75 with some power. I liked the flex in the Melee. Thanks
The New Wigpopper from Short Porch
Soft Barrel
Dave Velasquez
The Onyx Orange w/blue handle is a soft barrel and swings and is very comparable to the red melee.
Dave- The light blue wig popper?
No ,the new one Endload Soft Barrel
Coming next week
I'll let to know when it gets here
Dave V
I swing the same bat. Closest I have found is the Suncoast Mega. 25 swings close to the 26.5 Red Adidas.
Dave, Was hoping short porch was coming out with a balanced soft barrel bat??
Soup-e10...Dave V. Where can I find your listing showing TOP 5 bats for Seniors...swing speeds under 75MPH for end loads?....soft barrels?...thanks for your help on this...was waiting for the new Wig Popper Kevlar per your video
Thanks appreciate your help and consideration...OZ Darrah
We have two bats coming out next week with that same spics
Short Porch
WigPopper 2nd Anniversary
The Cherry Bomb
The SUP. My Bat
we will be doing a lot of video on these bats
Dave Velasquez
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