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Discussion: TORN MENICUS

right knee hurting pretty bad, and for the last few months ,i survived playing games taking 800 mg ibuprofen , which felt pretty good, no pain... UNTIL it wore off.... finally had an MRI done, and the results are TORN MENICUS.. saw the doctor, he said to try the GEL and therapy to strengthen the muscle around the knee....have gone thru 5-6 sessions of therapy and it hurts to do some of the exercises...the therapy will not fix the problem, i am going to make another appt to see what the next step is....the gel was no help, i walk around like CHESTER from the Gunsmoke series....guess the next step is to try to clean up the tear area and see if that helps..............after that , ( gulp), knee replacement..... may have no choice...

just curious if any of you guys have gone thru this and what did you do, and what was the end result....

any input of your experience will be greatly appreciated...... frank a, 80 and over player.
I have had meniscus surgery on both knees at different times earlier in my playing career. I cannot stress enough to make sure the surgeon performing the procedure is a SPORTS MEDICINE Dr. that accepts the fact you want to remain active! FYI the surgeries were in 1982 and 1992 and I still haven't needed knee replacement, yet. Find a surgeon that will just "clean it up" and not remove entire meniscus.
armiho211-Been there several times. I had 4 meniscus repairs stating in 1988. Also 1 ACL replacement. I played in a big Royal Blue CTI brace from 1998 to Dec 2013 before getting my replacement. My meniscus repairs worked until there was no meniscus left. But I was too stubborn to get the replacement. DON'T DO WHAT I DID. I tried to medicate the pain away in 2013. I was taking more and more pain killers to 'get through the year'. Tylenol, Aleve, Ibuprophen can make a potent combination and I did that. Got to worlds and was in so much pain I could hardly walk without it. The third morning I took 2 tylenol, 4 aleve and, by 10 am I had also taken 13 200 mg of ibuprophen. Someone hit me a ball in Right Center and my throw went closer to our left fielder than it did to third base. I popped to the pitcher twice. I got combative in the dugout. I was not me at all. I was taken out of the game because my teammates realized something was wrong. When my wife found out what I had taken, the look from her was something I will never forget. That was my wakeup call. All that medication was DANGEROUS AS HELL and all to play a few more games.Don't make the mistake I did. Find a good sports doctor and accept what appears to be the inevitable. I'm still playing 9 years after the replacement. The old pain is gone. Not perfect, but beats not playing. Good luck.
I had a very similar scenario, armiho211. After my initial meniscus tear I had some "cleanup" laser repair done to it by a sports medicine specialist - he told me the fix would be temporary and based on how active I was would determine how long it would last. I got 3 or 4 years out of it with minimal pain, then finally got a partial replacement done at age 64. Prior to the surgery, I too tried the gel shots and received no benefit at all from them. Again, the doctor had warned me "they don't work for everyone". I am very happy with the knee replacement results and its been a year and a half and have very little issue regarding that knee. I agree with webbie - Not perfect, but better than not playing. Best of luck.
say it ain't so frankie....take care of it.....good luck
Thanks for the responses, will see the doctor in about 2 weeks, will see what the next step is...the doctor is a sports medical surgeon at the Carrell clinic in Dallas.... kinda late now, but over the years , i was always one of the faster guys on my teams (in my own mind)... and too many times i was called to replace a slow runner... no big deal, i never imagined i was destroying my knee.....lesson learned: dont volunteer, how are the slow runners ever get into shape if we keep running for them....IF the game is on the line, then, maybe, do it..... mad dog, i may have to join you in the rocking chair group..... nah...... i will keep going as long as i can.....once i get fixed up...... Let it be a warning to the boys that dont think it could happen to them.. be careful, the pain is terrible.... THANKS AGAIN, GUYS ! FRANK A.
X rays don’t lie. Get your knee scoped and clean up the frayed cartilage. If you don’t have sufficient cartilage and your bone on bone, consider a partial or full knee replacement. If u have adequate separation in your joint, get knee scoped, clean up the meniscus tear, do rehab and knee exercises for recovery. Recovery from a knee scope is only a couple weeks.
My story is bone on bone for 7 years, bent, crooked leg, had pinch runners year round in all the leagues I played. Had hemi arthroplasty surgery (partial knee replacement) an now running the bases, 4 months post op!👍🥎🤣
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