Please clarify for me how many major players can be on a AAA Team.
Also, part 1, can a roster have too many majors on a roster, but only bring the legal amount to a tournament.
And part 2, if the team is a 60 AAA Team, is a guy 65 major, still considered major on the 60 AAA Team. Thanks for your input.
tall_thunder ...
[1] A team rated AAA may have a maximum of three (3) players with Major history rating experience in the same age group so long as those players are all otherwise eligible as to age and residency ...
[2] The limit of three out-of-rating players is imposed on a "roster composition basis" and you may not stockpile more than three and then choose which of them to bring to a given tournament ... We caution you against shuttling players on and off the roster over time because each such move (after a player has played one time for your team) is regarded as a "release" and that player will not be eligible to return to your club until the following Season ...
[3] Regarding your example and related question about a 65-Major player's status, that player has a rating index number equivalent to a 60-AAA and accordingly, does not count as an out-of-rating player unless he is also doing something unusual such as also playing for a 55-AAA or higher rated team ...
If any other hypothetical circumstances, please call the Sacramento Home Office at (916) 326.5303 during notmal business hours in the Pacific time zone ...